Saturday, August 31, 2024

On Economics Farming and Major Popular Delusions in India

There is hardly much difference between what they think about Liberals utopian worldview, perfect communist state, Ranjit Singh's Khalistan, Ram Rajya, or Islamic state. A random person following each of these idealistic situations has similar expectation in heart. And none of them are able to understand the complexities. They all look back only. To simplest ideas, which might have not changed in last 5000 years.

And these people with very simple ideas have often led to biggest disasters, Hitler was one of them, he was like Ram to German people before WW2. So was Bhindranwale. Those simple ideas did not bring happiness. Same happens in love in young age sometimes. Same happens to girl fans of Salman Khan, who would jump from 20th floor for him, without thinking. Same can be said about many people who think they follow Swami Vivekananda, or initiated in Rama Krishna Mission, or Iskcon. They will not do massacre like Muslims but they will not be able to solve problems always either.


We can also say the same about Farmers feed us thing. Only 18% GDP is generated by farming, how farmers run the country?  Farmers feed us thing is nonsense. We taxpayers work to get food, we feed farmers by subsidies. Farmers of Punjab are only 2% of farmers. They dont represent Farmers of India.

Reality is that far too many people are engaged in unproductive farming, and we encourage that negative cycle by our politics. 

Farmers work to get money, not to feed people. That is harsh reality. 

Giving more and more subsidy and freebies wont increase the economic value of Farming. In all developed countries only 1-5% population is engaged in farming. 

If farmers are God then these IT cell members, why dont they join farming?  

I have not studied economics or political science, still I can see it, while millions who graduate in economic and political science cant see it or tell it to public. That is how we have failed. 


Purpose of govt machinery is not to provide jobs by including everyone in machinery. It is to run the system efficiently. A system which helps industry and other production methods and increases GDP. Industry is supposed to provide jobs. 2 % people who get govt jobs, they cant bring prosperity to 98%. In what way greater participation in positions such as Judges, secretaries, on the basis of caste rather than quality boosts economy? Nowhere in the world a country became prosperous like that. 

We think we are master in politics, but no politician is able to explain that to public. 

Caste system feels innocent because of ignorance. To those enjoying reservation, it feels innocent as well. Caste system is original reservation system. There is no merit in it. Some want reservation to stay so caste stays, some would rather accept reservation than accepting others. Both ensure caste stays.

Only 18% GDP is generated by farming, how farmers run the country? Farmers feed us thing is nonsense. We taxpayers work to get food, we feed farmers by subsidies. Farmers of Punjab are only 2% of farmers. They dont represent Farmers of India.