Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Blasphemy, Apostasy, Ex Muslims

Ex Muslims

Why those who raise any voice against Islam need protection, police? Those who abuse Hindus, they never need any protection. Anyone, and everyone can abuse Hindus and Hinduism without any need for protection. 

Fatwa is issued against Wasim Rizwi for writing book on Mohammed and converting to Islam. Congress Leader Mohd Feroz Khan places ₹50 lkh bounty on WasimRizvi head, announced bounty of Rs 25 lakh.
Another Congress leader MLA Rashid Khan openly calls on media mikes to behead him. 

Speaking to a national media channel afterwards, Tyagi said, “I was removed from Islam. The prize money on my head is increased every Friday. Today, I am embracing Sanatan Dharma.” He said his own community had outcast him, refusing to give him a burial. His own family, including his wife, children, and brother, disowned him last year.

One Mullah said, Musalman can't be secular etc, Musalman is just Musalman first, everything comes later. But media and so called intellectual says "Oh you are telling wrong, you don't know yourself, you are secular.." Like this metal polisher.
At least 138 million Muslims live in India, constitutionally a secular country, but one where outspoken atheists and rationalists have often been attacked by right-wing groups. In 2017, H Farook, a Muslim-born man, an atheist and member of the Ex-Muslims of Tamil Nadu group, was killed in what appeared to be retaliation for his outspoken views. 

“Ex-Muslims live in greater fear of their society than do rationalist Hindus,” said Shahin. “Atheism is an accepted part of Hinduism; not so, Islam. Among Hindus, problems arise when Hindus publicly propagate against some irrational beliefs or cultural practices. Among Indian Muslims, mere expression of unbelief may lead to charges of apostasy and social boycott.” 

On 16 March 2017, an atheist political activist of DVK named Farook Hameed of Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu who had an open Whatsapp group named 'Murtad (atheist)', was hacked to death allegedly by his own close friends for openly professing his atheism.

Did you notice that most of ex-Muslims in India who talk on YouTube, hide their face? That doesn't happen in west. India is very unsafe for non-Muslims. My friend Anand used to say that if you want to do good stay in west, keep working from there, India is not safe.  

Muslim Intolerance Towards Apostates 

........Speaking about terrorist attacks and suicide bombings in Muslim countries, Razia says her relatives sometimes justified the Islamic State and the Mumbai blasts, and offers a profound comment on the nature of Islam and its followers: "As a community, we want either victimhood or supremacy."

Quite strange that every day some Mulla issues some fatwa, in front of gathering, calling for beheading somebody, some bounty on someone's head....but they are considered victim. 
There have been so many books written against Christianity by prominent people everywhere; so many books have been written against Hinduism related to caste problems etc. No Hindu or Christian starts killing the author. Only Muslims kill authors and ask for ban on books. But they are still called peaceful, but Hindus are labeled communal. 

Non-Muslims are not safe in a Muslim majority area. So they don't live there, don't flourish there. While Muslims are safe in Hindu majority area, Christian majority area, or anywhere else. Just like there are millions of copies of books by likes of Bertrand Russel, Andrew White who criticized Christianity vehemently, but not a  single pebble was thrown. Periyar did not need guards in India after criticizing Hinduism, neither did Ambedkar; Bertrand Russel or Sam Harris don't need guards to protect them from white Christian supremacist. But Shahbaz Bhatti and Salman Tasir were killed by their own guards, they did not even criticize Islam, they were just trying to help some unfortunate victims of blasphemy laws in Pakistan. After criticizing Islam every Muslim is a potential killer. Muslims do collective goondagardi, somebody says something in France and millions of them come out rioting in India or Pakistan. While they themselves do thousand times more against others.

Concept of  Tolerance (Religious Tolerance)

Implied in the tolerance is an relationship of unequal power. I tolerate you. It doesn't imply the notion of multi-culturalism, of equality before the law irrespective of creed, ethnic identity, religious identity. What we say as moderation among Muslims is not usually religious moderation. When there is question of whether Islam can accommodate a pluralist society, there are people who say that if you look back into the past, into the history of Spain, you can see that Muslims, Jews and Christians lived together. Well they did under the Muslim rule, but then Jews and Christians did not have the same rights as Muslims. 


Abdul Khader Puthiyangadi,an Indian citizen, A rationalist from Kerala , He was arrested by UAE police in 2021 without bail and sentenced to prison in UAE for 3 years for criticizing Islam on social media in his native language Malayalam.


We don't go on bullying and killing people.

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Books, Banned Books

Most of banned books in India are related to Criticism of Islam, and they say Hindus are intolerant. Those banned books include: Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdi, and Understanding Islam through Hadis - Religious Faith or Fanaticism?, by Ram Swaroop. I recall during MMS there was some riot by Muslims in Lucknow, rioters had started with protest against Myanmar. Then they attacked Journalists also, chased them, injured many journalists. Similar thing happened during Azad Maidan Mumbai riots (2012) when Muslims attacked even female police. But journalists say they are afraid of Hindus. 


Rangila Rasul

In 1920 three books were published with titles "Krishan Teri Gita Jalani Padegi", "Unnisvi Sadi Ka Lampat Maharishi" and "Sita Ka Chinaala".These books were allegedly distributed through all mosques in India. It all started when one community published a pamphlet depicting a Hindu goddess Sita as prostitute. No Hindu burned anything or attacked anyone. Books were vulgar, containing obscene sketches of Hindu deities. Gandhi called it freedom of speech. 

To counter that narrative in 1923 a satirical but accredited print was published by Rajpal Publisher in Lahore. The author of this book is Pandit Chamupati.The book was "Rangeela Rasool". Muslims went to court. Gandhi criticized it in his article in Young India.  In 1927, writer Rajpal was freed by court. 

He was stabbed to death by a young carpenter, Ilm-ud-din, on 6 April 1929. Ilm-ud-din was sentenced to death and the sentence was carried out on 31 October 1929. Ilm-ud-din was represented by Muhammad Ali Jinnah as a defense lawyer. Muhammad Iqbal spoke at the funeral of the assassin. It remains banned in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

राजपाल के ऊपर से सारे चार्जेस खारिज हो जाने से मुस्लिम समाज भयंकर नाराज़ था. जगह-जगह प्रोटेस्ट किए जा रहे थे. मस्जिदों से तक़रीर हुआ करती थी. ऐसी ही एक तक़रीर एक लड़के के कानों में पड़ी. लड़के का नाम था इल्मुद्दीन. उसने आसपास के लोगों से उनके बारे में पूछा. थोड़ी देर बाद किसी ने उसे बताया कि राजपाल दुकान में आ चुके हैं. इशारे से बता भी दिया कि राजपाल कौन है. इल्मुद्दीन दुकान में जा घुसा. उसने पूरी ताकत से खंजर राजपाल के दिल में उतार दिया.

गिरफ्तारी के बाद इल्मुद्दीन को मियांवली जेल में रखा गया. जिन्ना को ये केस लड़ने के लिए अल्लामा इकबाल ने राज़ी किया था. 31 अक्टूबर 1929 को उसे फांसी पर टांग दिया गया. अधिकारियों ने उसे फ़ौरन दफना दिया. बिना जनाज़े की नमाज़ पढ़ाए. इस बात को लेकर लोगों में और भी आक्रोश फैला. अल्लामा इकबाल के नेतृत्व में प्रदर्शन होने लगे. तनाव बहुत ज़्यादा बढ़ गया. अल्लामा इकबाल से इस बात की गारंटी लेकर कि कोई दंगा नहीं होगा, उन्होंने इल्मुद्दीन की कब्र खोदने की इजाज़त दे दी. इल्मुद्दीन की लाश को निकाला गया. उसकी मौत के 2 हफ़्तों बाद. इल्मुद्दीन के पिता ने अल्लामा इकबाल से रिक्वेस्ट की कि उसके जनाज़े की नमाज़ वो पढवाएं. 

अल्लामा इकबाल बोले, “मैं एक गुनाहगार शख्स हूं, जो ऐसे योद्धा के जनाज़े की नमाज़ पढ़वाने के काबिल नहीं हूं.”

2 लाख से ज़्यादा लोगों ने इल्मुद्दीन के जनाज़े की नमाज में शिरकत की. कहा जाता है कि जब इकबाल ने इल्मुद्दीन के जिस्म को क़ब्र में रखा, तो कहा,

“इस अनपढ़ बंदे ने हम सब पढ़े-लिखे लोगों को पीछे छोड़ दिया.”

उस लड़के को पाकिस्तान में हीरो का दर्जा प्राप्त है. वहां आज भी इल्मुद्दीन के नाम पर सड़कें हैं, अस्पताल हैं, पार्क हैं. उसके नाम के आगे ‘ग़ाज़ी’ लिखा जाता है. उसके ऊपर किताबे लिखी गई हैं.

More than 200 people died in riots all over the world, property of several hundreds of crores were burned in the protests over Satanic Verses. But media and so called intellectuals did not say that they feel unsafe. It was banned in India as well. Fatwa was issued against him. Attempt on the life of Salman Rushdi was made in 1989, 2010. Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini issued fatwa calling for his death. Taslima Nasreen faced similar threats to her life. 

There is also a widely read book Satanic Bible, nobody ever got killed over that.  So many people wrote against Christianity or its interference in state, Voltaire, Bertrand Russel, Martin Luther. Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris etc do that even now. But no Christian goes and stabs them or mauls them with a truck. But Muslims don't tolerate a painting of Mohammed.

Hinduism was attacked by Periyar, Ambedkar, and everyday articles are written. But nobody goes and kills anyone. 

They killed Swami Shradhanand, Pandit Lekhram etc, it has been continuing. 

Islamophilia: A Very Metropolitan Malady
No Indian print for books like this, who will dare to take risk? 
Growth of Muslim Population in Medieval India: K S Lal

Government of India act 1919, 1935

Monday, December 13, 2021

Politics is Good and Important.

Politics and Money making are both important arts. 

More important than speeches of those who talk about peace without understanding. 
Very often so called peace messengers send wrong messages, which makes people inactive and dumb. 

Politics is process through system is guided and the system is a means to betterment of humanity. 
System is not dirty. System is the means to effective governance and facilitates functioning of diverse teams. System and politics need improvement. But their existence is essential. A corrupt system is better than no system. Peace talkers don't bring money. Trade and policies do. People need money to eat. Not empty words. 

In some countries they buried all the pigs, they considered it dirty. And after that the amount of garbage to be handled almost doubled. Pig is not a bad animal as people believe. It is a defect of vision. 

Gandhi called for renouncing modern life, stressing on villages and old kinds of systems. He didn't seem to be opposed to western learning and science. But he saw little benefit and glory in them. Also I guess he wanted to give India a strong moral foundation. But how people took it: they felt modern things are bad, modern education is bad, machinery is bad, industry is bad. And everything from the past is good, poverty is holy and good, thinking much is bad. And Gandhi did nothing to correct them. 

I have always said that you can't be good without knowing, just feeling is not enough always, there are complex things to be dealt with. Unless one can see in detail, one knows in detail, it doesn't matter what he believes. Entire message of Gita revolves around getting hands dirty, not giving to silly notions. It Happens to me that people read blogs, and think I am fanatic and they are peaceful. When I am usually only stating hard facts, acting on them, and since I don't have all the time and energy, I can't be perfect, I can only be relatively more better. I can't explain everything and I can't help everyone with them being uninformed but confident. That connection from facts presented in blogs to their conclusion is a jump/shortcut in their imagination. 

If knowing which direction one is going is not important, they one may go in any direction and reach anywhere. For people going anywhere, in any direction becomes a goal, they start believing that their direction is right and it will take them to their avowed goal. That avowed goal keeps changing, people keep changing. Only thing that remains static is ego, survival and that feeling of being busy all the time. 

So it has become a fashion to abuse Ambanis and Adani. One should do it based on merits and demerits, but not on the feeling of hate. 

One should not indulge in wishful thinking and call it good and nice. Oppose by all means, but with facts, not by denying facts. 

What is contribution of those who called for opposing Ambani and Adani? What is contribution of those who follow that ideology blindly? Agriculture contributes only 14% of GDP, in spite of 60% workforce. If industry is so bad then Bihar should have been the happiest state, 90% of the population there is rural, and highest dependency on agriculture. 

It is ok to stay simple, but it is not great to staying uninformed, or staying inactive because of ignorance and calling it simplicity. 

People who stay silent are often people who are ignorant or people who stand for nothing but their self interest and convenience. It is important to learn to agree to disagree. But most people who pretend to agree to disagree, they stand for nothing. They don't agree on anything, and they don't disagree on anything.  

I don't agree to disagree, that is the struggle I am facing in daily life. I am very stubborn. But I think now, that I am ahead of people who agree to disagree on everything. I have to learn to agree to disagree. But my failure so far is not because I am in wrong direction. I am in the right direction, and maybe if I am able to agree to disagree in future, it will be ok.

Ideally we all should be able to get facts correct and we all should be able to know everything. But that would require infinite time and energy. Thinking, knowing, requires time and energy. May be knowledge is another dimension, free of all weights, limits. But we are not. 

That realization, feeling requires material, processes, energy and time which enable processes to take place. Wind will always blow. Someone telling winds blows and deriving pleasure from it is a subjective experience. 

We all have been given very little energy and time. In the stream of river we are like ants sitting on small twigs. There is little freedom, little place to move. Ideas are important, because they increase our little freedom to little more. 

We can't convince everyone even if something is a fact, because that cognition requires energy, somebody needs to be elevated. Energy and time needs to be spent. And one who tries to explain he also has limited energy, he also has to optimize. 

So we will will always disagree on some things or other. 

The more one knows, the more he/she comes out of the comfort zone of others. He may be liked if he gets badges, but he/she may or may not be understood. Others like badges, not the element itself. And if it doesn't soothe to bias of masses, the person may be hated as well. 

I had a local train journey today, after nine months. And I was feeling the same stillness routine. I realized quickly that it will become another routine when I start regularly in the office. It is like jumping from one twig to another twig. Same boredom, routines, while the size of twig remains almost the same. Everything a person does repeatedly, feels normal to him, and everything else feels abnormal. There is that omnipresent inertia in feelings and thoughts.  But those things don't have any label of normal or abnormal. What if one was able to go have a bigger log, wider set of abilities, choices; enabling him to switch his imagination from one set to another set and getting them in one sutra. That would be a significant change. 

That blind pre-occupation with oneself, one's cleanliness, wasting life on it and calling it Dharma (root of inactivity, passiveness to worldly affairs, leading to early wrong judgements), that is just another story a mind can have, it doesn't serve much. Same about that squeamish feeling about politics and money. People get busy with their belief and routine and they feel it as liberation, that feeling somebody can derive from working in farm or some other occupation. They don't do direct favor but they feel they do. They feel they are holy, that self righteousness. All the same time many of them keep having those practical needs. Even in forest one can't live in peace, he has to safeguard himself from predators, snakes. What I see in daily life is there are 100 crore Hindus, but nobody is there when there is any need. Look around and see. Everyone is on his own, except those who have created sycophant or chelas by giving favors. Society doesn't care about its weak, needy. 

Knowing is doing. Animals also do work. So do winds, streams, and fire. But it is knowledge of process that enables something to happen in a specific way. There is sand, there are bricks, energy. But it requires process and knowledge of process which gives the knower the power to build houses when he wants. Processes turn these mounds into some shape. And to acquire knowledge of processes, we need physical architecture like we have in our brains. 

People say sanity, peace is good. But all that knowledge was also acquired by some process, activity. If something is good then why not go to extremes and find the best? If there is balance to be sought, what defines that balance. One may choose to silently die. But when one is alive  he is being active. Peace is good indeed. It allows one to see things much more clearly. But many people wish that they didn't have to do anything, that a clean person will remain out, away from any kind of karma, so that he will never leave any chance for karma to catch him. Those who do things they also do something wrong. But that is not liked. Smart Hindu stay away from it. 

Buddha also started eating after becoming almost a cage. He realized that this starvation has not brought him any wisdom. Starvation brings some kind of intense emotions. One is free to feel these emotions. But labeling them greatest virtue is a personal choice, not some universal one. 

In the end it is about a choice. And I think it is better to know a lot before making some choice. Most people will do nothing with their inactivity, inactive mind. When some person is more active, and less tree-like, he is not doing something bad. He will have a wider range of thoughts and engagements. 
People who have passion, craze, and activeness, they are doing something. They may lead to somewhere. Some hitherto unknown territory. 

I was thinking that I can have very good concentration when I am thinking about somethings, with strong interests and feelings. But that concentration is different, it is like that of a Tiger focusing on prey, they seem to be so focused on certain prey on which they have made up mind, that they miss other easier targets, near to them. I perform poorly with involuntary concentration. But that never earns any appreciation. I am seen as a misfit, wrong piece. 

In India there is  a lot of liking for what can not be done, involuntary abilities. That earns respect. And what you can do, is not important. Rich people would go for Kailash Mansarowar etc, but will not help some poor, something simple like Hindu unity is ridiculed by upper class. There is respect for competing among 1 million for a thousand UPSC seats, no matter what is output of these officers and how drab unskilled work most of them do afterwards. That female mentality is always there, not valuing what one has, valuing what one doesn't have. 


There is fundamental dichotomy.
A Gandhi is a person who believes in simplicity, not thinking.
For him all the virtue is not acting, being polite, kind.
He finds virtue in ignorant simplicity.
Whereas a Devil keeps stepping up his game, find new and more sophisticated tricks;
which will require even more thinking to bust.
So Gandhi and Devil make perfect combination.
Gandhi will keep providing fodder for the growth of Devil.

All the predators exist in wild, because the prey doesnot have capacity to counterattack.
There is a dichotomy between the offensive and defending itself.
One taking offensive is free to chose his game, his attack point.
If your enemy fires 100 rockets, you have to be extremely accurate to ward of 99 of 100.
And then devil will simply ramp up the numbers, he will fire 10000, and you miss 100.
He will ramp up even more, millions rockets, you miss 10000; your doom is imminent.  

Existance comes from thinking.
And when a person has abandoned thinking in the name of peace and sought virtue in it, he will never be able to secure peace.
He has given up on the game.
It is like giving seat of jury also to devil.
Because devil will think and find many justifications for his acts; hence occupying the seat of jury.
Jury speak on the basis of argument and since a Gandhi can not argue, he has not developed those skills, a Devil will be de facto jury.
And Devil will try to paint any attempt to defend and think without submitting to their narrative as aggression. Like Islamoleftists do.  

Those who justify non violence they claim about its utility;
but that utility is not universal, in this whole complex and grand set of things non-violence works at some place and active thinking is required at some other place.
Those who know it play with it, develop more sophisticated tricks or can counter such tricks.

There was competetion between animals and the stronger and faster animal survived.
Now human survival is almost sure, even Islamists dont aspire to kill all humans, they will merely convert all humans to Islam.
Now there is competition between ideas, memes, one meme trying to overshadow and eat all other memes.
Humans are carrier of those memes.

But there will be some human who have stronger survival instincts, and they will not become Gandhi, they will not stop thinking, they will step up the game against Islam.
It is a temporary victory for Islam. Because space of ideas is much more fluid and dense thicker than the forest.

Devil will think that he can sweep everything with money.
But that last corner of the mind, in people like me will always be left.
Devil will think he will be able to intimidate every thinking man.
But there will be some left in some corner of the world who will bust this game at some point of time.

Friday, December 10, 2021

Importance of First Principles: Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, India.

I have repeatedly seen that just faith or purusharth is not enough to make a person good, make his actions bear good fruit. Faith in the right direction helps, but is insufficient. How good we can be is often limited by our knowledge. How good we can be in our feelings and self assessment is another matter and often not the correct measure of how good we are in an objective sense. I have seen people with very good intentions, kindness, empathy, doing stupid things.

On Symbolism 

There are things written on a piece of paper, which feels to be right, working. And then there is man, who is subject to not only the cold reality on piece of paper, but also to dark world of emotions, feelings, brain mechanisms/workings, about which he has very little knowledge, about which very little has been written, and even less has been read. So an ordinary person knows extremely less. To control or intervene is even more difficult, but knowing is the first step.

Materialists reduce the whole world to things on piece of paper, to material objects. They define yes and no, rules, (and they like to dictate the rules of debate based on their limited knowledge) when reality is gray. You cant create a better quality copy image from a poor quality. And to improve quality, you need to improve first image, your vision, and to do that you also need to look within. 

I said in blog

"It is not God that is worshipped but the authority that claims to speak in His name. "And that authority can be without any form or God imaginable. It might just be physical processes. It is abstraction. For example say name of a company say Microsoft. Now there is no Microsoft human or animal or bird, or tree; Microsoft has no life. But we say things like "Microsoft shares dropped" "Microsoft is doing well", "Microsoft is best company to work at", "Microsoft will go very high". Now who is Microsoft? It is just an abstraction. Same way I think about Hindu deities. They are useful symbols towards that unknown. 

Symbolism works, and it is good as long as you work with goals in mind, with first principles, as long as symbols don't become a goal in themselves (due to ignorance, inertia of dark mental habits), it works very well. I am more efficient, my thinking is more efficient and developed when I am writing to real beings, when I am talking in my mind. Abstraction takes little more energy even for a person like me who is very good at abstractions. Brain doesn't likes to waste energy. And to brain real entities, idols, images of God, feels more real. If a person can't imagine something, he will not be able to spend energy on it. If a person can't visualize something, he will quit it. Just like people quit mathematics, but even a poor man can admire a painting. We like to have images of our ancestors, we like to recall their name. We put flowers on photographs of martyrs.  What is in name? Name is another symbol. So according to Islam name should also be haram. And according to leftists everything which is not related to bread and butter is haram (with convenient exceptions). Reducing a live entity sensitive creature to that is not wise. 

Infact many of the Devas' of Aryans were ancestors and those ancestors they elevated with time to the level of Deva (Deva is not God, both have different qualities). So we Vedas talk about 33000 Devas. Adi Shankara mostly propagated Nirgun Brahman (Brahman without image/idol etc.) Ramanuja and Chaitanya Mahaprabhu propagated Saguna Brahman, (Brahman with symbols, artistic expressions, idols/images). And even though debates and logic-wise Shankara was better than anyone except Buddha and Mahavira, but it was Ramanuja who got more done. Abstraction worked for an intelligent man like Adi Shankara. But even Shankara used symbols (as a secondary). As Lin Yutang said something like, "a western man looks into something and thinks this idea will work or not. Chinese wisdom will also require, that idea suits to human nature or not, and then only idea can qualify." 

We can see the result that Bhakti movements made significant contribution in India's (common mans) spiritual development. Advaita is limited to intellectuals. Swami Dayanad Saraswati tried it, but Iskcon is more successful than Arya Samaj. Global effect is that religion in its most developed form can be found in India, more than any place else. There are 36 Gitas, 110 upanishad, 18 Puranas, Aranyaks, Shrutis, Smriti.....add to that works of Jain and Buddhism. Each of the guru in Nalanda and Vikramshila Universities used to be author of several books, and that was there for 1300 years. Buddhism uses symbolism in form of stories, metaphors, abstract philosophies. There are more terminologies related to psychology in Buddhism and Jainism than terms developed in the entire world and field of psychology outside of India. It is efficient and hence man here developed much broader developed detailed imagination. As I believed even our thinking is simulation, our perception is simulation/symbolic. Brain works that way. 

Compare to that, so far nobody has probably written any commentary on Quran, to explain it to 21st century and all the centuries in between. Because Muslims take it as final word. They cant allow a single alphabet to go here and there, they like to recite it in pure Arabic as it was in 7th century, even if they don't understand the meaning. There is one advantage, they are less confused. They read only one book, and that makes whole thing lot easier. 

Commentaries on Bhagwad Gita, Upanishad were written in every century, to make it accessible to that time and situation etc. In the past Greek and Roman philosophy, spirituality was much more developed. 

Another highly developed religion is Judaism. Judaism is religion of one God. But their theology developed in the historical past which was much more diverse, before their kings finally zeroed on one God. There was diversity of views. A lot of work was done for many centuries before it was finalized. There are 24 books in Hebrew Bible. Old testament has 39 books. They did not cut things on the first day. 

There was some possibility in Islam with Sufis. But Sufis were cut down by Deobandis, Salafis, Barelwi.....Taliban...etc. To the effect that very limited independence of thought exists in present so called Sufis. 

But let us also look at another aspect. 

Indians have rigid judgmental habits. They judge a person based on what he is today and his status etc, and they expect little change. India sees changes slowly. They don't expect people to change, people to have potential. Caste system is one such thing, people are expected to be like that person as they were born. Sometimes something is very simple but make it mountain; we have a story in mind completely disconnected from the reality and that story makes very simple things, extremely complex. That story being fed by everyone, and we feeding to everyone. 

There is extreme desire to label, somebody as good, somebody as dumb. People start that early in childhood and it is at peak around age of 25. Biggest examination is held during marriage proposals. This judgment has a negative side directed to self as well. A person judges his own place in society based on what others say and that becomes his world and his own voice. 

Indian people think that what works for Europeans, white people will not work for us. So intelligent Indian guys from rural or lower middle class backgrounds end up doing mediocre jobs. My mother always says "Don't compare yourself with XYZ, he is millionaire, his parents have already made fortunes". Millions of times, my parents always said I am worth nothing, and they still believe in that. They projected their own misfortune, failure and poverty on me. 

When the thing is that computers, books, labs, the external world, trees, mountains, they are all neutral. They don't care whether a person is me or those XYZ. I will end up better than them in everything on any day. But that didn't convince my parents. It is same with most people. They take these superstitious beliefs seriously. They kind of make up that this is their fate. Less belief in action, more belief in fate. People feel their fate has already been fixed by actions of past births etc, effort will not help them overcome that. This way people are very less likely to challenge the view, prevalence of mediocrity etc. 

Reality is that the son of Mukesh Ambani (richest man in India, in top 10 globally) and a poor man in remote village has has equal probability in everything at time of birth. People had weird customs of untouchability, which ruined millions of lives. 

First principles are important. Accidents do happen. People forget about first principles when they don't see accidents happening. We don't know why the helicopter of late Bipin Rawat Ji (Chief of Defense Staff) suffered accident, 12 deaths. Last month one of my juniors died in ship in fire. When we were doing fire drills some ten years back in a dummy structure, replicating ship superstructure, one of the most important challenges was not to forget where you entered, how you entered so that you can come back after extinguishing the fire, or saving some dome body. And alert people made use of their fire resistant long ropes, some liked to go without rope. When nothing happens people become careless. 

Same way, happens in spirituality, when people forget the first principles, where it came from, why and how. They get into the labyrinth, to find the nectar, but they are lost in it. At least some people ought to remember it. To correct others when they go wrong. So we have this belief in fait accompli, in previous births etc. 

In ship there is no support, ship might be 5000 kms away from coast and by the time any help arrives, you are dead. Same way we are alone in our brains, before things are explained, before some might reach there, it might be late. 

First principles allow you to connect to the roots, to keep goal in sight, to correct and judge overall process. Otherwise, in the dark alleys of the brain you will be lost. It is very easy to get lost. Like I get lost in book cleaning, hoarding, and room cleaning. Indians get lost in religion very often, as Lin Yutang said, the problem of India is too much of religion. It is not too much of religion that is the problem, but too much of religion not well connected from reality. First principles allow people to cut and trim, and re-orient. 

We find the same request to youth, in messages from Vivekananda again and again, to not listen to weak minds, to break the bonds of weak society. Only those who have fought they understand the value of first principles. Tilak wrote Gita rahasya, better commentaries on Gita. 

It is like you go to a friends wedding and you start playing cards. Which is O.K. you are not disturbing others. But then you become so busy with cards, that you forget everything and your life is now playing card, barat has returned but you are still playing card.

Religion is important, and it is good to let it develop. But then religion in itself became purpose, disconnected from the reality. So people instead of connecting it to reality, started being guided by religion. It became a secondary source of truth (everyone feeding everyone else, despite the thing itself being unreal, but thing exists in the imagination). That is a dangerous thing. 

Like some person born in wealthy family, say he takes sanyas. Then he develops some more art, develops some old scripture or writes new. It is like you enter into some labyrinth and then you find how good the labyrinth is, and you lose yourself in that labyrinth. But you continue to have real needs, which are being fulfilled by others. That is a difficult situation. 

That is what has happened in India. People have forgot habit of verification, connecting. And have developed a parallel world of reality. I don't feel afraid of science, because I always use science to correct myself. 

It is like doing computer simulations, suppose you start enjoying simulations and you keep making ship models and simulating them in virtual ocean in computer. 

(something like this)

But you don't make any simulations for real yards, you have become incompetent of relating your simulations to reality. You are simulating because you enjoy it. But your simulations are disconnected from physics, it is only good for sight. Then you have a real problem. If you make real ships (in sense that it reflects the physics) and then in spare time you also do it for sake of art, because you like it, then it is OK. 

First principles are important, because human brain has proved to be very unreliable and secondary things always go into wrong directions. People need to be directly told again and again. It is a great intellectual challenge to code same message which was told previously in metaphors, in direct words and to get the desired response as well. Metaphors by nature will always be susceptible to manipulation, twisting, due to ignorance or by vested interests. Main message is lost soon, and only rituals stay. 

Only when the main message is directly coded there in the form which become rituals, and will stay as a part of rituals then message will stay. 



(Terms and explanations used below are for my own convenience, I don't claim to be knowledgeable in the field of psychology.) 
There can be roughly two kinds of people. 
One who are old people (not age-wise, but following say 1000 years old.....), devout Vaishnava, Iranians, Tibetan Buddhist, Haredi Jews. 
other second one who are new people, as somebody born in San Francisco, California, in an athiest materialistic family. 

Now the second one, new one is using less of secondary loop and more of building primary loops. He observes and decides he likes it or not. 
He does not derive his truths from stories (does so less). 
They will have a fresh approach to everything. That is their advantage. 
We shouldn't just reject them, but engage with them. 

First one is following his secondary loop. 
He has a truth circuit in his mind, based on stories he learned from books, family, society. 
Many of which were not told in words, but demonstrated in live examples. 
That secondary loop may still have qualities of the primary loop (one developed by direct experience, but that also becomes a story afterwards and a lot of it might be getting stored and retrieved in the same way as stories get). 
Because most of the things we know, we know by hearing. 
I didn't do experiments which Newton did, still I believe in his theory and I have used it and it works. 
Our brain can't differentiate between story and reality by knowing the content of the story. 
Our brain can only differentiate between plausible and implausible. (With things we have seen with eyes and senses, we also have sensory memory, and associated stories.)  
So something can be a plausible and fictional story but come to us as a real. 
And reality also comes to us in the form of stories. 

Suppose I know something to be historically true, it feels as if it is primary reality, not copied reality. 
It may be a secondary reality as it is possible that those things might have happened differently or never happened, 
but since it is plausible, and I have a bias through my upbringing or emotional bias which makes me like that story and take it as real.  There is no way to go back and verify many things. 
Now how to discriminate whether it is reality or secondary brain circuit framed on some untruth? 

Now why this secondary loop is important is because people don't have time to redo. 
It is learning and experience of 10000 years in case of Hindus. 
If you leave a person on his own, he/she may not be able to do much. He/she may be lost. 
If something is too difficult then nobody will be able to do it. 

But the negative side is that many of the stories need modification. 
Time keeps changing. 

It is like novel writing or story writing, authors write real and imagined fiction, they mix it in such coherent way that it seems like real,
and then it starts affecting character, thinking of the reader. It brings to him the possibilities which didn't exist before. 
If these stories/novel he didn't read, these possibilities may not exist. 
You develop characters of your novel/story, you add new characters, you and say 1000 more people over several generations, add every conceivable human problem.
These stories become the lifeline of the people. 
But after 5000 years, even though you did great work, your stories have become less relevant, then people need to find that out and improve your stories, add new ones. 

What is also important is to also develop tools of discrimination. 
To know until where to follow and what to follow. To be able to know how much and which part is real which is not.

Even the demonstration we see, can have wrong conclusions, wrong understanding. So what we know to be real by demonstration, may also be a false story. The Only thing additional would be sensory experience, in addition to story. Only difference is the extra memory of sensory experience which adds to the story.  


That mukti of the form of life, we see in ourselves, can be completely achieved only at the end of life. 
But within the life there are two ways of mukti:

1. Through knowledge, demystifying the maya, developing the ability to come out of the stories in which we normally dwell. 
It is not easy, as stories can be as complex as they can possibly be. 

2. Through prem, seeing everything (pleasant and unpleasant) as manifestation of the will of the God, and loving the God. 
Second one is hard as well, it requires certain combination of chemicals in mind, and it is hard, as situations will turn to bad some times.

What is bondage? Bondage of body and bondage of story. 
What is freedom? The ability to come out of the story at our will. 
Not being subject to tyranny of a single story which fate has imposed on us; family we are born, house, family, village, race, religion, situations. 
It Comes from knowledge, experience. 

Bhakti helps, in the sense that life is no longer prison, It is a beautiful home;
Story is no longer story, it is the will of the Gods. 
So things are acceptable, fights are less painful, as responsibility is ultimately on Gods.

There is a problem in this. With every interaction at a deeper level with a person it  parents, brother, sister, husband, created a bondage;
even if we don't want unconscious bondage is created...
Can one can go beyond this bondage? I don't know.
For me it is hard to believe that even very accomplished people like Vivekananda are truly free of bondage.....
they might not accept it....but deep down it may exists in some weak form. 
That is human be social and create bondages......we do it all over life. 

We can avoid creating bonds consciously, but unconsciously there is always some form of bond, either love or hate.
And a person can only be relatively free or able.
No person can come out of the stories unscathed.

Same with bhakti (devotion), many people will be put in situations where it is unbearable.
To deal better with unconscious bonding, one has to know workings of conscious and unconscious mind at much deeper level.

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Interesting Facts 6

 (1) Kashi Vishwanath Temple. Demolished

•1194 CE -by Mohammad Ghori

•1505-1515 CE- by Sikandar Lodi

•1669 CE -by Aurangzeb built the Mosque over it.

Nandi near Gyan Wapi kuan in the back side of the main temple looking towards the mosque in the wall of which one can clearly see a Hindu temple arch. If Muslims had any slightest respect for feelings of Hindus they would handover that Gyanvapi visibly erected on temple walls. 

Rani Ahilyabai, well within her powers, but still she did not touch the Mosque. She got temple built nearby. Kashi is not just center of faith for few people, it is center of faith for all Hindus.

As Modi Ji said: “The king of Punjab, Maharaja Ranjit Singh, donated gold to brighten the temple. The queen of Bengal, Rani Bhawani, and the kings of Mysore and various other provinces contributed towards rebuilding Kashi. This is why temples that reflect north Indian, south Indian, Nepalese and all other styles can be found here, On the ghats along the river Ganga, boatmen and vendors can surprise anyone by speaking Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Bengali and other languages fluently. The same bonding keeps the energy of India intact."

2017, first time I was going to Chennai and southern parts of India, and our coach was full of Kawadia devotees from Hyderabad who were returning from Kashi. 

Before building of the Corridor in 2021, temple going devotees were stopped and the Muslims were allowed to go to the mosque due to the only way existing there. In such a situation, the hearts of the devotees standing in the queue for hours must have been hurt. It is tolerance of Hindus that they do nothing, appeal to courts. Think if that happened in Saudi or Pakistan, they will not wait a single hour. Hindu pilgrims from all corners of India, go and see and do nothing. 

Compare to that: Hindu community in Pakistan’s Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa has decided to pay fines imposed on 11 religious leaders involved in the temple attack in Karak district in December 2020. The payment of Rs 30.3 million will be made as a ‘goodwill gesture’ from the All Pakistan Hindu Council’s fund. 

But they preach us tolerance, and call us intolerant. 

See the reaction of Muslims on Kashi Vishwanath Corridor. They are all very sad. One man even crying that "Ye masjid ko dhak diya hai...." Hindu can not even make his own temple in neighborhood of a mosque. Aaj Tak reporter consoles a namazi from Bengal crying over Kashi Vishwanath temple hiding Aurangzeb's mosque. She then threatens a local man who tries to say it is not just the temple but entire Kashi that is seeing development.

We hear azan daily..kaashi is mecca for us.. mecca to non muslims ko enter hi nahi hone dete ..

(2) Nandraj Goud was leading a small group of Karsewaks who were the first to breach security & climb Babri on 6th Dec. Muzlims stabbed him to death on 16th December 1992 in Hyderbad. 

(3) The National Minority Commission has rejected the appeal for minority tag for Hindu in these nine states and UT. Meghalaya, Manipur, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, J&K, Punjab, Ladakh, Lakshdeep.  

(4) A friend: "Once I was travelling in Luteyan Road, Delhi by a rental car. The driver was a arabian named person. When I reached  A P J Abdul Kalam Rd I enquired the driver as to which road we were travelling through. He told that we were travelling through Aurangzeb road. I informed him that the name of the road had been changed. He was shocked and in sheer desperation he replied that, yah to bahut galat hua. I asked him kaise galat hua. He did not reply. Such is their commitment towards Aurangzeb."

(5) Tejaswi yadav was shouting, doing movement for caste census. Himself he married Christian girl. His father created political career, which he has inherited, in the name of caste, killing thousands. Same way both sons of Mulayam married Rajput girls. While bothe Mulayam and Akhilesh, did politics of caste. 

(6) There's no radical islam... Islam itself is radical. It's matter of only demographics. In minority it's all about brotherhood and Secularism... In Muslim majority like Kashmir it's all about La ilah illa Allah.

(7)  America stayed on long in Japan after WW2, but that country did not turn violent. Lets face it, its more of Islam thing which is inherently violent.

(8) Those who burned the Nalanda university, there stone age idiots, they did not have wisdom to find or appreciate intelligence. Now it is western people who are very interested in Buddhism, see its value and study it. Because they have some brain. And worse are the leftists and people who find glory in those stone age barbarians and seek to justify that. 

(9) Gurgaon namaz issue: People who suggested building a hospital instead of a temple in Ayodhya are today advocating that public roads & highways should be used for praying instead of conducting business and travel. All the “scientific temper” and “forward thinking” quickly vanishes with convenience.

(10) A lot of known people were telling me about Godi media, media has purchased everything. I also watch media. I didnot see such thing. Now it occurs to me that, this also they didnot observe first hand but got from other media channels, like NDTV which keep telling that media has sold out to Modi and keep twisting information and selective reporting to imply that. 


Marriage age for Muslim girls is puberty age. And government has no rights to intervene in anything related to Muslim personal law. 

Hindu, Christian and Parsi Laws were amended after independence, but no government dared to touch Shariyat. 

When Mosques all over India don't allow women, no outrage. There was online fake outrage over kanyadan tradition, by upper middle class feminists, but no outrage over Muslim personal law allowing marriage after puberty 14-15 age. No outrage over Muslim traditions like Nikah Halala, 4 wives, no alimony, triple talaq. Muslim personal law treats female like cattle, denies them inheritance if they marry non-Muslim.  

Modi brought marriage act 2021, making minimum age of marriage of females 21. Now all leftists, Islamists and other so called progressives are calling it patriarchal, fascist. Among them Owaisi, Kavita Krishnan, CPI (M), AIMPLB. Now they don't want equality. Muslims think Mohammed married at 9, because girl can get puberty at 9. Now all these are showing that they are with Muslims. 

(12) When Yati Nasimhanand put posters that non-Hindus not allowed, there was outrage for months. When Sikhs killed a Dalit man at Singhu border on the charges of sacrilege in October 2021, and now lynched a man in Golden temple, and one mentally challenged beggar lynched in Kapurthala, no media or politician spoke, instead they all condemned sacrilege. No FIR was filed against killers, while police lodged the case of sacrilege against dead. Second mentally challenged guy was killed without reason (was trying to get roti), but when killing came open they gave excuse that he did sacrilege. Recently six people have been lynched by Sikhs. No campaigns on twitter: Not in my name; Ashamed to be a Sikh; Is this what we use temples for?; Is this what our religion teaches us? So much anger over sacrilege in Muslims Sikhs, but there would be lakhs of such cases related to Hindus, but don't hear anything because Hindus are tolerant. Historically hundreds of thousands of temples have been demolished but calling on it is communal. 

This image above shows, what kind of representatives western people chose. Many of them have nothing to speak except race, feminism and all. We saw before how Sikh ministers in Canada, and PM Justin Trudeau did Khalistan rhetoric. They do it to get votes of Pakistanis in Canada and UK.

(13) When Modi was CM of Gujarat, there was several attempts on his life. He doesn't say he feels unsafe. But those who never had any problem, always keep propagating that India is burning,....

When General Bipin Rawat, chief of chief of defense staff, and 12 other officers died, thousands celebrated and thousands others supported those celebrating. Where is fear? Nobody can speak against army in Pakistan. Where is "dara hua musalman"?

(14) Hindutva is not bjp RSS ideology.... hindutva is our religion....what sri krishna say in srimad bhagwad geeta to war against evil that is hindutva. 
मैं तो केवल तुम्हारा सारथी हूं, लड़ना तो तुम्हें ही होगा पार्थ "श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता"
इसे जितना जल्दी समझ लेंगे, उतना ही अच्छा होगा सनातनियों...

(15) Owaisi is B Team of BJP? Congress invited AIMIM for a coalition government in the 2004 elections. Owaisi supported Congress after the 2004 and 2009 elections. Indira Gandhi was close to Owaisi's father; they shared a single stage during rallies in Hyderabad. Congress and AIMIM have a long relationship after the death of Sardar Patel. Congress and Owaisi both opposing abrogation of article 370, Bill against Triple Talaq, Ram Mandir. They take same stand on most issues.

(16) Congress and seculars hire some goon to stage some drama to malign Hindus, this tactic is old. day before 1977 elections (when Sanjay Gandhi lost), he got his own jeep attacked, three shots fired, to to influence the voters. Around 2013-2015, Kejriwal got himself slapped and ink thrown over him multiple times. AAP politicians paid to desecrate Quran in Malerkotla Punjab. Samjwadi Party arranged goons clad in saffron Kurta to beat Kashmiri fruit seller in Lucknow. Hindus don't care, and don't investigate. We saw fake Hindu terrorism cases during UPA 2 (2009-2014), trying to fabricate RSS and Hindus for 26/11 and other cases. 

(17) Veer Bal Diwas: Some people are complaining and saying this is election stunt. This is not a first election in Punjab, there were 30 elections in Punjab, since independence. Nobody stopped any PM from doing something like that. Why did they forget it when they kept naming 365 days for 60 years, every park, every crossroad, stadium, airport, zoo all in the name of one family. Better than Congress declaring Nehru’s birthday as bal diwas in 1964. Why Nehru, why not celebrate Sunny Leone’s birthday as Bal Diwas, or why not Narsimha Rao’s birthday? If Pakistan or Canada had done it, same people would say, “see how inclusive is Pakistan, Modi is communal”.

(18) Muslims are not Bengali, UP wala, Bihari or Madrasi first. They are Muslims first. we saw that in 1946-47. All Muslims rallied behind a shia Gujarati Muslim Jinnah. Now they rallied in far off Bihar for a Owaisi from Hyderabad. No Andhra Hindu would support a Bihari. 

(19) I was in ship, when it came to Mumbai Ardhi Vijaya Indonesian guy, saw a taxi driver with skull cap, he became jubilant shouting "Muslim...Muslim..." As if he met his lost brother....He went out to pray in Mosque with my Hindu friends who accompanied him.  One day there was a movie running in TV room and he started supporting and shouting for Terrorists....there was a heated argument, he and an Indian from Lucknow tried to hit each other. All 14 or 15 Indonesians were Muslim and supported Osama and Al Queda, considered him as hero. I knew personally Ardhi Vijaya, Raji Mutwali Sugiyanto, Sutrishna. I was friend with them in ship, Raji was very good guy, Ardhi would always singh "haule haule ho jaega..." He always invited me for food, gave me his address in Djakarta, Raji gave me Indonesian notes. They were very friendly. There were very good guys. I can vouch for them. But Islam changed their compass in some way.  Indian Muslim guys Mudassir from Bihar, and Kalim from Hyderabad tried to befriend them telling them they are all brothers being Muslim, and brainwash them against other Indians (Hindus). But it did not happen. These two Indian Muslims would talk very sweet at our faces, but behind they would discuss what is halal to eat etc. My friend Amit Tomar, tried to reform Ardhi by explaining and he partially succeeded. 

I was in Delft. This good Indonasian girl Sita asked me, "are you a Muslim?" In Delft, when I first went to Muslim guys, who were having Lunch, Vahid says "Salam Walekum", later on Vahid was wearing Mihammed Ali T Shirt, he passionately started singing glory of Mohammed Ali and said that he could get we as well a T Shirt, I dont have to pay.  In Amsterdam Ijmuiden, Imad asks me "are you a Muslim?" This guy Shahir Hussien asked me many times, to keep roja, read Quran, become a Muslim, etc... I can get married with Muslim girl...
Same Egyptian agent said during transit at Suez, that to marry Egyptian girl I need to become Muslim. 

(20) Devdutt Pattanaik abused peoples mothers and mocked festivals etc. Then out of context misinterprets Savarkar to justify his own rabid acts. 

Yashwant Deshmukh wrote: आध्यात्मिकता पर पुस्तकें लिखना और स्वयं आध्यात्मिक होना दो अलग अलग विषय हैं। और होने भी चाहिए। ये कतई जरूरी नहीं है की किसी के व्यक्तिगत आचार और विचार उसके लेखन के साथ मेल खाएं। निहायत निकृष्ट अंतःकरण के साथ भी उत्कृष्ट लेखन संभव है, ये बात विचित्र किन्तु सत्य है ।

(21) 2022 UP Election, Congress and Priyanka slogan whole time "Ladki hun Lad sakti hun". Their real character their leaders oppose Triple Talaq Law, and they have prominent Maulana in their party who got his bahu fired from Islam by issuing Fatwa, when she opposed Triple Talaq. Who has declared many Fatwas against women.

(23) The founders of the Shiv Sena also included many Congress Party stalwarts such as the late deputy chief minister Ramrao Adik. It was the Congress Party that helped the Shiv Sena gain a foothold into the trade union movement.

In 1977, when the late Prime Minister Indira Gandhi imposed Emergency in the country, Thackeray emerged as a vocal supporter. Bal Thackeray supported Congress leader Murli Deora in the mayoral polls of Bombay and got him elected. 

When the Shiv Sena was at the peak of its popularity and would have made substantial gains in the Maharashtra Assembly polls in 1980, Thackeray decided to opt-out of the polls and extended support to the Congress Party. He addressed rallies for Congressman Babasaheb Bhosle who later became the chief minister of the state.

(24) In the name of Kisan Andolan, they kept roads to Delhi blocked for one year. And everywhere they claim 700 deaths, killed by Modi ...shahadat. Government did not allow police to fire even when they did hooliganism at Red fort on 26 January 2021. Nobody askes from where these numbers came. Most of these people might have died of old age, cold, lack of arrangement at Singhu border, some disease. Every year if you have 1 lakh people in a town, a lot of them might die every year. 

(25) Canada: Where is FOE now? Where are Rihanna and others? 

(26) This is the way they insult and mock Hindus, Hindu symbols. Will they talk like that to Muslims over beef or anything? They are free to terrorize, mock 80% population Hindus; so they use victim card also to terrorize Hindus even more. And they say they feel so afraid in this country. 

(27) We will build a potato processing unit here and if needed we will also build a vodka plant. Tell me whether vodka can be made from potatoes or not?: SP chief Akhilesh Yadav in Agra, 6 Feb 2022.

(28) Every time before elections, politicians get issued fatwa by Imam Bukhari and other Muslim mulla, and they say others are communal. 

(29) This controversy was not about Hijab but Burka. Media cleverly called it Hijab row not Burka row, to defend one side, to make it acceptable. Hijab stands for regression, for patriarchal mindset for oppression of women. Pagdi isn't regressive, neither is janeu, nor anything else. Moreover, sikhs don't take kirpan to school.  So equating hijab to our symbols is false equivalency. The Indian army has females, police has females, tomorrow nice people will say that this is against religious freedom, Muslims women should be allowed to be in Police in Burka, and in army. One prominent politician says that people are free to wear bikini then why not Burka. Well people don't come to classroom in Bikini. Whether schools have uniform or not, is not a problem. 
Problem is that if there is uniform then it has to be uniform.
It is like every time some terrorist was to face gallows, so called intellectuals started debate on capital punishment and said that he is being killed by state because he is Muslim, even after trails by lower court, high court and supreme court established culpability. But if a normal another case in which some other person is being sentenced to death, nobody even knows. 
Pakistan had a Hijab day and Pakistan ministers and prime minister interfered when matter was sub-judice. OIC spoke in language of Pakistan and passed statement and over the ongoing hijab controversy and “continued attacks targeting Muslims and their places of worship."

A Hindu boy Harsha was murdered on 20 Feb 2022, because he wrote on Facebook against Hijab. His funeral procession was then attacked by Muslims. 

High court asked "Is Uniform Discriminatory?"

(30) In 2014, 5 SP MPs were from family of Mulayam Singh. So much for Samajwad. 

(31) Feb 2022: Even with so many constraints on money, India is regularly helping Afghanistan, even when it has Taliban rule. Our govt sends first tranche of 2,500MT wheat to Kabul, for free. 
So that people don't die of Hunger etc. And that cabal of leftist/Islamism criminals, who are the most heinous, most depraved..just create some fiction to keep their narrative. 

(32) Isn't it hypocritical for Muslims of Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana to oppose Hindi but speak Urdu? Hindi and Urdu are 90% the same language. But south Indian state such as Telanaga have made Urdu second language but continue to hate Hindi, and oppose Hindi. 

On So called Islamic Golden Age

Most of scholars who did something were influenced by Greek and Socratic kind of philosophy, which asked to doubt, enquire. Upper class pseudo rational Muslims bring everywhere about Islamic Golden Age; want to believe things based on faith and bring stuff which agrees that; not doubt them. Most of those scholars were rejected by Muslims themselves later on; during their own lives many were labeled as heretic. Muslims conquered unto Spain, and they come across Greek philosophy. 

The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam, Book by Muhammad Iqbal. 

Iqbal has disowned Al Farabi, Sina, Ghazali and that entire Golden period as bad time in history of Muslims, a diversion. Iqbal has said, reason is shaitan ka kam. Reason and debates are useless, one can understand Allah with feeling and heart alone.

Iqbal has meant that asal chij ishaq hai aur ishq wo jo dil hi jan sakta hai. agar aap apni duniya ko samjhna chahen to aapki akal jo hai wo bekar chij hai. akal aapko sirf satahi (superficial) chijen bata sakti hain, jo asal chij hai wo dil janta hai. Reason is insufficient, reason will not allow you to know the world. Not only western education is waste, you cant understand the world by facts and reasoning. You can only understand the world by passion of heart.

“Greek philosophy has been a great cultural force in the history of Islam. Yet a careful study of Quran and various schools of scholastic theology. that arose under the inspiration of Greek thought disclose the remarkable fact that while Greek philosophy very much broadened the outlook of Muslim thinkers. It on the whole obscured their vision of the Quran. “

Iqbal on science: Physics ki buniyad hi kharab hai. Thus physics has found it necessary to criticize its own foundations. “It has eventually found reason to break its own idol and eventually and empirical attitude which appears to necessitate scientific materialism has finally ended in a revolt against matter.”


Reference for content below:  The Nostalgia of Islamic Golden Age vs. the History of Science by Syed Kamran Mirza

The so called ‘Islamic Golden Age’ was not any product of Islamic scriptural knowledge, nor it was due to any degree of devoutness of religion Islam. It was all about the success of some Muslim-born freethinkers during the period of liberal freethinking Caliphs of Abbasid dynasty.

The seventh Abbasid caliph, al-Ma'mun took considerable pains to obtain Greek manuscripts and even sent a mission to the Byzantine Emperor Leon the Armenian (8l3 to 890) for that purpose. He ordered the translation of these manuscripts. He organized at Baghdad a sort of scientific academy called the House of Wisdom. He encouraged scholars from all kinds (various religions), and an enormous amount of scientific work was done under his patronage.

Al-Razi (865-925) : His views on religion in general and Islam in particular earned him public condemnation for blasphemy. Almost all of Al-Razi’s philosophical books were destroyed by the revival force. 

Ibn Sina (973-1037): Because of his views, became the main target of an attack Islamic philosophers and was even called “apostate”.

Al-Ma'arri, (973-1057): The greatest Syrian philosopher poet, skeptic and freethinker known as "Lucretius of the East", despised religions in general and Islam in particular. Omar Khayyam (1048-1122): He was an agnostic, He did not believe in resurrection, Judgment Day or rewards and punishments in an alleged afterlife.

Ibn Rushd (1126-1198): born in present-day Spain was an important philosopher and scientist. Ibn Rushd worked as a mediator between the Arabic and the Western world by commenting and interpreting Greek philosophers such as Aristotle and Plato, making them accessible to Arabic culture. he was condemned for heresy by the Christian, the Jewish and the Islamic orthodoxy and his works were frequently banished and burnt.

al-Khwarizmi (780-850): born in Khwarizm in Uzbekistan. He worked most of his life as a scholar in the house of wisdom in Baghdad. He was a Persian mathematician, astronomer, astrologer and geographer. His "Compendious Book on Calculation by Completion and Balancing". Latin translations of his Arithmetic, on the Indian numerals, introduced the decimal positional number system to the Western world in the 12th century. Most of the positional base 10 numeral systems in the world have originated from India which first developed the concept of positional numerology. The Indian numeral system is commonly referred to the West as Hindu-Arabic numeral system, since it reached Europe through the Arabs.

History of Algebra: The Chinese, the Persians, and the people of India used algebra thousands of years ago. The Babylonians, Egyptians, and Greeks contributed to the early development of algebra. Al-Khwarizmi a teacher in the mathematical school in Baghdad, collected and improved the advances in algebra of previous Hindu and Arab scholars. His works included the translation of Greek and Sanskrit scientific manuscript.

Al-Khwarizmi never indicated that he was influenced by religiosity or he received any scientific theory out of Koran or hadiths.

Al-Biruni (973-1048): held that the Qur’an does not interferes in the business of science nor does it infringe on the realm of science.

Ishaq al-Kindi (c. 801–873): Al-Kindi became a prominent figure in the House of Wisdom, and a number of Abbasid Caliphs appointed him to oversee the translation of Greek scientific and philosophical texts into the Arabic language. This contact with "the philosophy of the ancients" (as Greek philosophy was often referred to by Muslim scholars) had a profound effect on his intellectual development. His own thought was largely influenced by the Neo-Platonic philosophy of Proclus, Plotinus and John Philoponus, amongst others, although he does appear to have borrowed ideas from other Hellenistic schools as well. During his life, al-Kindi was fortunate enough to enjoy the patronage of the pro-Mutazilite Caliphs al-Ma'mun and al-Mu'tasim, which meant he could carry out his philosophical speculations with relative ease. His works, says Deborah Black, contained all the seeds of future controversy that would be fully realized in al-Ghazali's "Incoherence of the Philosophers".

Al-Farabi (870-950): He was inspired by the Platonism and Neo-Platonism and was a great exponent of the Aristotelian school of philosophy. He wrote rich commentaries on Aristotle and like al-Razi, he considered reason superior to revelation and advocated for the relegation of prophecy to philosophy. According to him as quoted by Nicholson, “…reason should govern and control the life of man. He definitely did not believe in the inherent doctrines of the Islamic creed and wished it could be reformed guided by philosophy.

Al-Ghazali (1058-1111 AD): Was born and died in Iran. Imam Al-Ghazali is widely known for his heroic role to defeat Mu‘tazilites (rationalized movement) and revived pure Islam. While it is well known that Al-Ghazali himself intended to "shut the door of ijtihad" (the process through which Islamic scholars can generate new rules for Muslims) completely and permanently, which led the Islamic societies to be "frozen in time". Works of critics of Al-Ghazali (such as Ibn-Rushd, a rationalist), as well as the works of any ancient philosopher, were practically forbidden in these "frozen societies" through the centuries. As a result, all chances were lost to gradually revitalize religion of Islam. His 11th century book titled “The Incoherence of the Philosophers” marks a major turn in Islamic epistemology (study of the nature, methods, limitations, and validity of knowledge and belief) and marked a turning point in Islamic philosophy in its vehement rejections of Aristotle and Plato. The book took aimed bitter attack to the group of Islamic philosophers (from the 8-11 centuries) most notable Avicenna and Al-Frabi etc. who drew intellectually upon the Ancient Greeks. Ghazali bitterly denounced Aristotle, Socrates and other Greek philosophers and writers. And labeled those who adopted their methods and ideas as corrupters of the true Islamic faith.

Another of Ghazali’s major work was : “Ihya ʿulūm al-din” (“The revival of religious sciences”) was widely regarded as the greatest work of Muslim spirituality, and has, for centuries, been the most read work after the Qur’ān in the Muslim world. In this book Imam Ghazali rejuvenated Islamic dogmas (full of ridiculous hadiths with untold superstitions and absurdities) only to push back Muslim societies deep into the darkness of Islamic radicalism. He mastered philosophy and then criticized it in order to Islamicize it. Philosophy declined in the Sunni world after al-Ghazali, and his criticism of philosophers (Islamic luminaries who followed Aristotle, Pluto, Socrates etc) certainly accelerated this decline.

Imam Ghazali was the only Islamic luminary who was a perfect Muslim or a strong believer in Islamic theology and because of his strong belief (without reason and logic) in Islamic theology—Imam Ghazali turned into a famous Islamic theologian, scholar and a philosopher but he was not a scientists.


Anal Haq: Ana Al-Haqq is a short story based on the life of the Sufi Mansur Al-Hallaj, who was indicted and stoned to death on charges of heresy. First his legs were chopped, then his hands were chopped, tongues pulled out.


Those like Sina were not were not organic with the nature of Islam. Their scholarship was not because of Islam, but in-spite of it. They were not strong enough to change the Islam, so in the long term they were rejected by body politic of Islam. While Ghazali types were accepted. Same way Muslims in Indian continent have rejected Dr Kalam, Abdus Samad types and accepted Owaisi and Jinnah types. 

When Xenotransplant was first tried, human beings would survive few days on Babbon heart, or lever, then immune system of the body will reject it. Same happens with Islam. 

In Hindu culture there is capacity to accept and digest, so there were Buddha, Mahavira, Nanak and all are respected, and they flourished, influenced us. 

Human beings are stupid in one time frame. Conditions of the world did not change much from 7th century to 20th century. So Islam flourished. But Islam is not organic with evolution, so in a longer time frame in a fast changing world after scientific revolution, Islam will be completely rejected by evolved Human brain. 

Take example of Indian continent. 

APJ Abdul Kalam: You won't find Muslims reading APJ Abdul Kalam, but his book wings of fire, everyone (Hindu) want's to read or has read. The day he was being put in grave, mostly Hindus mourned his death. On the same day lakhs of Muslims of India were in the death procession of terrorist Yakub Menon (convicted in Mumbai 1993 blasts). 

Pakistan produced four scientists and one Industrialist of eminence. 

Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar (1910-1995), was born in Lahore, spent his childhood there until 1922. He was awarded the 1983 Nobel Prize for Physics with William A. Fowler for "...theoretical studies of the physical processes of importance to the structure and evolution of the stars". 

Har Gobind Khorana (1922-2011), was born in Multan, this famous MIT professor had won the 1968 Nobel Prize and started a brand new field — protein synthesis via nucleotides. He did his bachelor and master’s degrees from Punjab University.

 Sarvadaman Chowla  (1907 – 1995) , an accomplished mathematician who headed the mathematics department from 1937 to 1947. Being Hindu, he left Lahore after the rioting began and went to Princeton University, then the University of Colorado at Boulder, and eventually became professor at the University of Pennsylvania. He died in 1995 and was celebrated as a famous number theorist by the American Mathematical Society with several important theorems to his name.

Abdus Salam (1926-1996) winner of the 1979 physics Nobel, he studied at Government College (GC) Lahore and later taught at Punjab University. However, no road or landmark in Lahore bears Salam’s name. He was an Ahmadiya Muslim. On his grave it was written "First Muslim to win Nobel in science" Muslim was erased after Ahmadiya were declared non-Muslim in Pakistan. 

Sir Ganga Ram (1851-1927): He was a civil engineer and architect who developed irrigation system of Layllpur and Montgomrey districts of Punjab (now in Pakistan) and he developed Lahore city. 

He designed and built General Post Office, Lahore, Lahore Museum, Aitchison College, Mayo School of Arts (now the National College of Arts), Ganga Ram Hospital, Lahore 1921, Lady Mclagan Girls High School, the chemistry department of the Government College University, the Albert Victor wing of Mayo Hospital, Sir Ganga Ram High School (now Lahore College for Women), the Hailey College of Commerce (now Hailey College of Banking & Finance), Ravi Road House for the Disabled, the Ganga Ram Trust Building on "The Mall" and Lady Maynard Industrial School. He also constructed Model Town and Gulberg town, once the best localities of Lahore, the powerhouse at Renala Khurd as well as the railway track between Pathankot and Amritsar.

He took more than 20,000 acres of land on lease from the Government near Renala and cultivated it by completely irrigating the barren land with hydro-electric pumping. He purchased thousands acres of barren land in Lyallpur on lease and by using engineering skills and modern irrigation methods, turned the arid lands into fertile fields.[citation needed] He established a Maynard-Ganga Ram award of Rs 3000 with a Rs 25000 endowment. The award was to be made every three years for anyone who made an innovation that increased agricultural production in Punjab.

First thing after independence, Pakistanis did, was to destroy statue of Sir Ganga Ram at a popular location in Lahore. There is no semblance of recognition for these four gentlemen who were Hindu. They are dirty, evil for Pakistanis. They find their pride in Turkish jihadi Ertugrul Ghazi from 13th century. Their love for science and these ancient thousand year old Muslim scholars is only their love for pride in Islam, they have zero love for science. They reject everything done by non-Muslim or claim it to have come from Quran. 

I don't want to tell about Bhagat Singh and other people of politics. They find love in 1000 year old Arab scholars, but they spit on Taxshila, Bamiyan etc. 

Reminds me of this Muslim colleague Adn from Delhi, I suggested him many books of  pioneers in our field, many times. He never read. But once I was reading a book by an Egyptian Engineer, Mohammed El Reedy, a third class book. He said "ab mai bhi kuchh padhta hun, mai ye kitab kharidta hun." That was not a proper book even. 

Another Senior from college, has PhD, once I was talking about book by Tal Ben Shaher, he asked me if he is Arab, I said no he is Jew. His curiosity vanished.