Monday, December 13, 2021

Politics is Good and Important.

Politics and Money making are both important arts. 

More important than speeches of those who talk about peace without understanding. 
Very often so called peace messengers send wrong messages, which makes people inactive and dumb. 

Politics is process through system is guided and the system is a means to betterment of humanity. 
System is not dirty. System is the means to effective governance and facilitates functioning of diverse teams. System and politics need improvement. But their existence is essential. A corrupt system is better than no system. Peace talkers don't bring money. Trade and policies do. People need money to eat. Not empty words. 

In some countries they buried all the pigs, they considered it dirty. And after that the amount of garbage to be handled almost doubled. Pig is not a bad animal as people believe. It is a defect of vision. 

Gandhi called for renouncing modern life, stressing on villages and old kinds of systems. He didn't seem to be opposed to western learning and science. But he saw little benefit and glory in them. Also I guess he wanted to give India a strong moral foundation. But how people took it: they felt modern things are bad, modern education is bad, machinery is bad, industry is bad. And everything from the past is good, poverty is holy and good, thinking much is bad. And Gandhi did nothing to correct them. 

I have always said that you can't be good without knowing, just feeling is not enough always, there are complex things to be dealt with. Unless one can see in detail, one knows in detail, it doesn't matter what he believes. Entire message of Gita revolves around getting hands dirty, not giving to silly notions. It Happens to me that people read blogs, and think I am fanatic and they are peaceful. When I am usually only stating hard facts, acting on them, and since I don't have all the time and energy, I can't be perfect, I can only be relatively more better. I can't explain everything and I can't help everyone with them being uninformed but confident. That connection from facts presented in blogs to their conclusion is a jump/shortcut in their imagination. 

If knowing which direction one is going is not important, they one may go in any direction and reach anywhere. For people going anywhere, in any direction becomes a goal, they start believing that their direction is right and it will take them to their avowed goal. That avowed goal keeps changing, people keep changing. Only thing that remains static is ego, survival and that feeling of being busy all the time. 

So it has become a fashion to abuse Ambanis and Adani. One should do it based on merits and demerits, but not on the feeling of hate. 

One should not indulge in wishful thinking and call it good and nice. Oppose by all means, but with facts, not by denying facts. 

What is contribution of those who called for opposing Ambani and Adani? What is contribution of those who follow that ideology blindly? Agriculture contributes only 14% of GDP, in spite of 60% workforce. If industry is so bad then Bihar should have been the happiest state, 90% of the population there is rural, and highest dependency on agriculture. 

It is ok to stay simple, but it is not great to staying uninformed, or staying inactive because of ignorance and calling it simplicity. 

People who stay silent are often people who are ignorant or people who stand for nothing but their self interest and convenience. It is important to learn to agree to disagree. But most people who pretend to agree to disagree, they stand for nothing. They don't agree on anything, and they don't disagree on anything.  

I don't agree to disagree, that is the struggle I am facing in daily life. I am very stubborn. But I think now, that I am ahead of people who agree to disagree on everything. I have to learn to agree to disagree. But my failure so far is not because I am in wrong direction. I am in the right direction, and maybe if I am able to agree to disagree in future, it will be ok.

Ideally we all should be able to get facts correct and we all should be able to know everything. But that would require infinite time and energy. Thinking, knowing, requires time and energy. May be knowledge is another dimension, free of all weights, limits. But we are not. 

That realization, feeling requires material, processes, energy and time which enable processes to take place. Wind will always blow. Someone telling winds blows and deriving pleasure from it is a subjective experience. 

We all have been given very little energy and time. In the stream of river we are like ants sitting on small twigs. There is little freedom, little place to move. Ideas are important, because they increase our little freedom to little more. 

We can't convince everyone even if something is a fact, because that cognition requires energy, somebody needs to be elevated. Energy and time needs to be spent. And one who tries to explain he also has limited energy, he also has to optimize. 

So we will will always disagree on some things or other. 

The more one knows, the more he/she comes out of the comfort zone of others. He may be liked if he gets badges, but he/she may or may not be understood. Others like badges, not the element itself. And if it doesn't soothe to bias of masses, the person may be hated as well. 

I had a local train journey today, after nine months. And I was feeling the same stillness routine. I realized quickly that it will become another routine when I start regularly in the office. It is like jumping from one twig to another twig. Same boredom, routines, while the size of twig remains almost the same. Everything a person does repeatedly, feels normal to him, and everything else feels abnormal. There is that omnipresent inertia in feelings and thoughts.  But those things don't have any label of normal or abnormal. What if one was able to go have a bigger log, wider set of abilities, choices; enabling him to switch his imagination from one set to another set and getting them in one sutra. That would be a significant change. 

That blind pre-occupation with oneself, one's cleanliness, wasting life on it and calling it Dharma (root of inactivity, passiveness to worldly affairs, leading to early wrong judgements), that is just another story a mind can have, it doesn't serve much. Same about that squeamish feeling about politics and money. People get busy with their belief and routine and they feel it as liberation, that feeling somebody can derive from working in farm or some other occupation. They don't do direct favor but they feel they do. They feel they are holy, that self righteousness. All the same time many of them keep having those practical needs. Even in forest one can't live in peace, he has to safeguard himself from predators, snakes. What I see in daily life is there are 100 crore Hindus, but nobody is there when there is any need. Look around and see. Everyone is on his own, except those who have created sycophant or chelas by giving favors. Society doesn't care about its weak, needy. 

Knowing is doing. Animals also do work. So do winds, streams, and fire. But it is knowledge of process that enables something to happen in a specific way. There is sand, there are bricks, energy. But it requires process and knowledge of process which gives the knower the power to build houses when he wants. Processes turn these mounds into some shape. And to acquire knowledge of processes, we need physical architecture like we have in our brains. 

People say sanity, peace is good. But all that knowledge was also acquired by some process, activity. If something is good then why not go to extremes and find the best? If there is balance to be sought, what defines that balance. One may choose to silently die. But when one is alive  he is being active. Peace is good indeed. It allows one to see things much more clearly. But many people wish that they didn't have to do anything, that a clean person will remain out, away from any kind of karma, so that he will never leave any chance for karma to catch him. Those who do things they also do something wrong. But that is not liked. Smart Hindu stay away from it. 

Buddha also started eating after becoming almost a cage. He realized that this starvation has not brought him any wisdom. Starvation brings some kind of intense emotions. One is free to feel these emotions. But labeling them greatest virtue is a personal choice, not some universal one. 

In the end it is about a choice. And I think it is better to know a lot before making some choice. Most people will do nothing with their inactivity, inactive mind. When some person is more active, and less tree-like, he is not doing something bad. He will have a wider range of thoughts and engagements. 
People who have passion, craze, and activeness, they are doing something. They may lead to somewhere. Some hitherto unknown territory. 

I was thinking that I can have very good concentration when I am thinking about somethings, with strong interests and feelings. But that concentration is different, it is like that of a Tiger focusing on prey, they seem to be so focused on certain prey on which they have made up mind, that they miss other easier targets, near to them. I perform poorly with involuntary concentration. But that never earns any appreciation. I am seen as a misfit, wrong piece. 

In India there is  a lot of liking for what can not be done, involuntary abilities. That earns respect. And what you can do, is not important. Rich people would go for Kailash Mansarowar etc, but will not help some poor, something simple like Hindu unity is ridiculed by upper class. There is respect for competing among 1 million for a thousand UPSC seats, no matter what is output of these officers and how drab unskilled work most of them do afterwards. That female mentality is always there, not valuing what one has, valuing what one doesn't have. 


There is fundamental dichotomy.
A Gandhi is a person who believes in simplicity, not thinking.
For him all the virtue is not acting, being polite, kind.
He finds virtue in ignorant simplicity.
Whereas a Devil keeps stepping up his game, find new and more sophisticated tricks;
which will require even more thinking to bust.
So Gandhi and Devil make perfect combination.
Gandhi will keep providing fodder for the growth of Devil.

All the predators exist in wild, because the prey doesnot have capacity to counterattack.
There is a dichotomy between the offensive and defending itself.
One taking offensive is free to chose his game, his attack point.
If your enemy fires 100 rockets, you have to be extremely accurate to ward of 99 of 100.
And then devil will simply ramp up the numbers, he will fire 10000, and you miss 100.
He will ramp up even more, millions rockets, you miss 10000; your doom is imminent.  

Existance comes from thinking.
And when a person has abandoned thinking in the name of peace and sought virtue in it, he will never be able to secure peace.
He has given up on the game.
It is like giving seat of jury also to devil.
Because devil will think and find many justifications for his acts; hence occupying the seat of jury.
Jury speak on the basis of argument and since a Gandhi can not argue, he has not developed those skills, a Devil will be de facto jury.
And Devil will try to paint any attempt to defend and think without submitting to their narrative as aggression. Like Islamoleftists do.  

Those who justify non violence they claim about its utility;
but that utility is not universal, in this whole complex and grand set of things non-violence works at some place and active thinking is required at some other place.
Those who know it play with it, develop more sophisticated tricks or can counter such tricks.

There was competetion between animals and the stronger and faster animal survived.
Now human survival is almost sure, even Islamists dont aspire to kill all humans, they will merely convert all humans to Islam.
Now there is competition between ideas, memes, one meme trying to overshadow and eat all other memes.
Humans are carrier of those memes.

But there will be some human who have stronger survival instincts, and they will not become Gandhi, they will not stop thinking, they will step up the game against Islam.
It is a temporary victory for Islam. Because space of ideas is much more fluid and dense thicker than the forest.

Devil will think that he can sweep everything with money.
But that last corner of the mind, in people like me will always be left.
Devil will think he will be able to intimidate every thinking man.
But there will be some left in some corner of the world who will bust this game at some point of time.

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