Monday, September 9, 2024

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Bangladesh 2


15 year old Bangladeshi Hindu boy Utsob Mondal is lynched by frenzied Muslim mob in Bangladesh alleging “blasphemy”. Last night a boy named Tahmid Al Mohtada made Facebook post with derogatory comments about Hindus saying they drink cow urine eat cow dung & insult deities. In response a hindu boy named Utsab started arguing. saying things like "Your prophet's father and grandfather were Hindu & Jewish." They got into an argument. Later, Tahmid deleted all his own comments and took screenshots of Utsab's comments, sharing them in various groups including their madrasa.

Whatever he said, was in retaliation. He got lynched in front of the police and parents.

Some Islamists entered the Police Station to negotiate. Some educated Muslim youths gave false promises to police. They were saying, “Sir, please give him to us for 10 minutes. We assure you that he will be safe. We just want to give him a garland of shoes and we want him to apologise to us.” The police officer didn't allow. Later, the police handed him over to the radical Islamic mob.

 As soon as Utsob defended his religion by commenting on Prophet Muhammad, the same students formed a mob with local Muslims and dragged Utsob to police station, where infront of police, army and navy, Utsob was lynched by a mob of 3000+ Muslims right infront of his parents…

Later Muslim mob cheered and celebrated his lynching online and outside the police station, and local mosque also announced his death in loudspeakers.