Thursday, May 16, 2019

In the defense of one of the greatest patriots of India, my friend Nathuram Godse

Gandhi is new Mohammed of pseudo seculars, you cant question him, without your character assassination. जब इस देश में प्रभु श्री राम पर टीका टिप्पणी और चर्चा हो सकती है तो गाँधी जी पर क्यों नहीं? In this country you can speak against anything, Hindu Gods, breaking the mother country, Indian Army, RSS, Hindus, but you can not speak against Nehru family, its symbols, Islamic terror and Jinnah.

Please read Koenraad Elst book, it is very informative.


Gandhi and Muslims broke the nation. Nathuram didn't. Gandhi was murdered the day India was partitioned. Real culprits of his murder are those who created Pakistan. Pakistan was created through  himsa, open violence done through violence, and Gandhi was forced to submit, Gandhi's ideas were thoroughly useless in stopping partition, nobody talks about that great defeat of Gandhi.  Creation of Pakistan was victory of politics of violence. 

Gandhi had become an object of hate within his life, after India's partition was accepted by him. Outside his prayers, thousands of people would gather sloganeering against him. His killing brought him some good name. If he died of old age or disease, instead of bullets, he would be hated more. He gained sympathy due to his murder.

He was a political disaster, he couldn't prevent partition of India, he simply succumbed to use of force by Muslims, he had no answer to the people whom he asked to follow him.

Instead his fake soldiers (read mercenaries) try to blame everyone, RSS, British, BJP, Savarkar, Godse. 

Trial was held for murder of Gandhi, why no trial was held for murder of one million Hindu and Skihs? Why no trial was held for those leading movements for forcing partition of India and massacre of Hindus in direct action day? 

Our soldiers kill enemies on the border, our law hangs the criminals, do we call our soldiers terrorist? Was Udhdham Singh a terrorist? General Dyer got 1900 people killed, Gandhi got millions killed.  In the court of his heart every just human will find Nathuram to be a savior of country, a soldier of motherland, who felt pain at the partition and who was pained when Gandhi fasted to give terrorist country Pakistan 55 crores.

It was Swami Shradhand who first called Gandhi as Mahatma. What was the logic when Gandhi praised the killer of Swami Shraddhanand? Swami Shardhanand, the Aryasamaj spiritual saint was killed by Abdul Rashid, a Muslim. Gandhi called Abdul Rashid a hero, and applauded him. Gandhi praised Mopla Muslims of Kerala after they led rapes and murders of thousands of innocent Hindus in 1921. They were brave for Gandhi.

25 दिसम्बर, 1926 को गोहाटी में आयोजित कांग्रेस के अधिवेशन में स्वामी श्रद्धानन्द की मृत्यु पर शोक प्रस्ताव में जो कुछ कहा वह स्तब्ध करने वाला था। गांधी के शोक प्रस्ताव के उद्बोधन का एक उद्धरण इस प्रकार है

 “मैंने अब्दुल रशीद को भाई कहा और मैं इसे दोहराता हूँ। मैं यहाँ तक कि उसे स्वामी जी की हत्या का दोषी भी नहीं मानता हूँ। वास्तव में दोषी वे लोग हैं जिन्होंने एक दूसरे के विरुद्ध घृणा की भावना पैदा किया. इसलिए यह अवसर दुख प्रकट करने या आँसू बहाने का नहीं है। गांधी जी ने अपने भाषण में कहा, मैं इसलिए स्वामी जी की मृत्यु पर शोक नहीं मना सकता। हमे एक आदमी के अपराध के कारण पूरे समुदाय को अपराधी नही मानना चाहिए। मैं अब्दुल रशीद की ओर से वकालत करने की इच्छा रखता हूँ। उन्होंने आगे कहा कि समाज सुधारक को तो ऐसी कीमत चुकानी ही पढ़ती है। स्वामी श्रद्धानन्द जी की हत्या में कुछ भी अनुपयुक्त नहीं है। अब्दुल रशीद के धार्मिक उन्माद को दोषी न मानते हुये गांधी ने कहा कि,ये हम पढ़े,अध-पढ़े लोग हैं जिन्होंने अब्दुल रशीद को उन्मादी बनाया। स्वामी जी की हत्या के पश्चात हमें आशा है कि उनका खून हमारे दोष को धो सकेगा, हृदय को निर्मल करेगा और मानव परिवार के इन दो शक्तिशाली विभाजन को मजबूत कर सकेगा.“ (यंग इण्डिया, दिसम्बर 30, 1926)।

Gandhi even wrote a letter asking for Abdul Rashid to be pardoned.

I think the basic reasoning of Gandhi was that, Abdul Rashid or Mopla Muslims were not cowards. They lived in a Hindu majority country and still they did what they felt to be right to (even if it was wrong in our eyes), and I agree with that point of view of Gandhiji.

There are two types of people in the world, one who believe in what they preach and who live as per what they preach, other who dont. Godse was one of those people who lived his values. What is difference between right and wrong acts and people? Right people dont contradict themselves, but wrong people do. My friend Nathuram didn't run away after killing Gandhi. Nathuram stood by what he did, and all the principles of Gandhis such as no eye for eye and non violence died when Nathuram was hanged. Dr. Koenraad Elst's book "Gandhi and Godse"

If Gandhi had survived bullets and if he had any shred of integrity left, he could have been the most fervent advocate of Nathuram, the way he defended Jinnah and Abdul Rashid.

But if Gandhi was honest he would not stab Susbhas Chandra Bose and get Pattabhi Sitaramayya on the seat of congress president, when Shubhas Chandra Bose was elected as Congress president in 1939. Gandhi did cheap emotional drama which caused pain to Subhas Chandra Bose who quit Congress.

Godse supported Hindu Muslim coexistence but he didn't like the deceit that crooked politicians were propagating. Godse was a freedom fighter and he rationally analysed ideas of Gandhi, but when riots broke out between Hindu and Muslim community Gandhiji started hunger strike many times to stop it and this tied up the Hindus hands and they were badly massacred. In the cold winter of 1947 December, Gandhi asked Hindu refugees living in Old Delhi to vacate the houses of Muslims (who had left for Pakistan). And then Gandhi wanted India to give 55 crores to Pakistan. This made Godse to take this extreme step.

Hindu Muslim unity was no where, it was one-sided, Muslims stabbing Hindus and politicians asking Hindus to embrace the stab. Gandhi said hatred is also a violence, so why so much hatred for Godse by so called Gandhian people?

Gandhi said, if you get slapped on one side of face put forward another. Why did not the so called followers of Gandhi offer their own lives instead of killing thousands of Chitpawan Brahmins (caste of Nathuram) ?

Gandhi Ji was a man who preached that Hindus should happily accept getting killed by neighbor Muslims in Pakistan as token of acceptance of bravery by fellow Muslims. How is it that those who call worst names to Godse for killing one man, found no culprits for killing of 2 million Hindus and when Hindu women were being sold naked in the markets of Punjab in Pakistan. How is it that Gandhi Ji himself preached value and equality of all lives, but his followers putting his live to be more valuable than lives of millions and nation itself. Perhaps lives of non Muslim didn't matter.

Even if Gandhi is God of so called liberals, dont liberals preach that there should be freedom to criticize and discuss about God? But the so called liberals are actually fanatics, wolves in the sheep clothing.

Will anyone of so called Gandhian see their own mothers and sisters raped and sold in the market and still love those who rape their mothers?

Godse loved india, Godse loved our country, and people and its history. More than anything else Godse loved truth and did not have double standards.

I am not a blind Gandhi hater. Gandhi worked hard on many things, one of them being eradication of untouchability. I like his idea of gram Swarajya. But he was a weak person who wasn't honest when it came to saving the country from partition or saving Hindu lives. He preferred to gloat in his romantic self victim mindset and got Hindu and Sikh women raped by his brave men.

Another thing, Muslims didn't ever believe in Gandhi, All Muslims voted for partition of India in 1946 elections, specially Muslims of post 1947 India. Whenever I had chance to discuss about Gandhi with any Muslim, I saw one thing: In private conversations Muslims always ridicule Gandhi and I had to protect Gandhi. Muslims let Gandhi die and went on with partition pogrom, even on the day he was killed, after his death, just as they did when Gandhi was alive. So much for the respect of Gandhi. Nathuram only pulled the trigger, real killers of Gandhi were Muslims and real killers of Godse were fake secularist Hindus, who traded dead-bodies of Hindus and honor of our women for sake of personal interests.

One YouTube video, one Israeli guy says "Gandhi was not tell the truth, if Gandhi had laid himself in front of an Arab tank, instead of a British tank, you know the only thing would have been left was his lion-cloth. "

He was right, only thing that was left to Hindus in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Kashmir was lion-cloth. They didn't care for Gandhi. 

Very same type of people who are asking that we should build hospital in Ayodhya, instead of ram mandir, sought great moral value in Khalif movement under Gandhi, to establish Khalif in Turkey. Nobody questions about any merit in Gandhi's misleading action of throwing Indians into Turkeys internal matters. They say we have no relationship with Rama, but we have relationship with Turkey, Babur, and Mohammed bin Kasim. Khilafat movement led to scores of rioting against non-Muslims all over India. Most notably in Malabar in Kerala where hundred thousand hindus were displaced, more than 5 thousand killed, houses burned and scores of women raped and converted. Nobody questioned Gandhi on such misadventures. Because they never considered it misadventure, they always saw people as means of their pretentious morality. Hindu life was cheapest just like life of goats and deer is cheapest not that of carnivorous animal. 

When was the last time Muslims followed nonviolence? In Kashmir? Or in Pakistan? In Palestine ? Or in Iraq, Syria and Yemen, where they kill thousands daily in the name of Islam? 
इस राष्ट्र में जन्मा कोई भी व्यक्ति राष्ट्र का पुत्र ही हो सकता है,
"पिता"नहीं l
अथर्ववेद लिखने वालों ने इस भूमि को माँ और स्वयं को इसका पुत्र कहा, स्वयं "प्रभु श्रीराम" ने इस जन्मभूमि को जननी और स्वयं को इसका पुत्र कहा!
''मोहनदास करमचंद ग़ांधी'' वेदों से और श्री राम से बड़े नहीं हैं,,, वे राष्ट्र के पुत्र हो सकते है, राष्ट्रपिता नहीं.......!!
अथर्ववेद में कहा गया है कि ‘माता भूमि’:, पुत्रो अहं पृथिव्या:। अर्थात भूमि मेरी माता है और मैं उसका पुत्र हूं…  यजुर्वेद में भी कहा गया है- नमो मात्रे पृथिव्ये, नमो मात्रे पृथिव्या:। अर्थात माता पृथ्वी (मातृभूमि) को नमस्कार है, मातृभूमि को नमस्कार है।

Gandhi asked Hindus to give up life that kind of tolerance, but his followers are want to kill others over his name. His philosophy is not to be followed by so called followers, but only to be used for shaming Hindus. How many people were hanged for killing Hindus during partition or for partition? But his so called followers were quick to ask for death of Nathuram. 

Within 3 hrs of death of Gandhi, 50 Brahmins were killed in Pune, 15 in Mumbai. No punishment, no FIR. First Kokanasth Brahmins were killed, then others. Factories, offices of Maharashtrian Brahmins were burned. 400 houses were burned in Satara. Congress workers, leaders were leading the mob. Veer Savarakar's brother Narayan Savarkar was killed. In total 6000-8000 people were killed. Those who lead these mobs were given plum posts, like that in 1984. 



  1. - I have just read this post and your other posts, and this is mind blowingly accurate. Awesome job!

  2. Replies
    1. There were some typos, I have corrected. Please read the Koenraad Elst books, and spread them.
