Western people would like to take pride in themselves for rigor, rationality and factfulness. My critical observation is about these only, that most of them fall short on it.
In my observation, Western countries, specially US politics is as dirty as in India. Western people are hypocrites, they stick to their set of rules and talk about objectivity as long as it suits them, and quickly abandon objectivity or change the set of rules when first set of rules doesn't suit them. And they do it without any shame.
Like many others, westerners like to have opinion on everything, they speak too much, without thinking critically and supporting it with facts. But there is a special problem, since they sit on the pulpit, nobody can tell them so that makes them look even more stupid and silly. They almost feel entitled.
Many times Kings tended to be most foolish, silly and stupid person in the court and the country. Because the king has special privilege, nobody can tell the king that he is completely disconnected from reality, and he has foolish ideas. As happens in corporate offices many times here.
They are born and raised up with ideas, full of superlatives, specially in USA. "You are so nice, you know how great you are ! If you were not born, this earth would have stopped rotating around the Sun" (Well nothing happened when US lost war in Vietnam and Afghanistan.). And then that kid grows up, meets an Indian, talks some bullshit, and Indian being a typical sycophant says "Yes sir, you are great, you are so nice.." Indians crawling everywhere to get photographed with westerners, to give them a memento in ceremonies.
The fact that average person of USA has GDP, eight times (PPP) in terms of income, means nothing more than that. Any conclusion afterwards should must be arrived by reasonable discussion/proof etc. When we go into detail, then only we can find loopholes and hollowness of frantic attempts to get to some conclusion, without concrete evidence.
Problems of Entitlement :
In general Western people sugarcoat their laziness, lack of completeness in examination and convenience as broad mindedness. I get very bored hearing platitudes from western and upper class white collar Indians, who talk from the place of their privilege. I agree that there are benefits of education, and in west people are more open, methodical and factual. But people in west take their view of themselves too far.
It is economic prosperity, functioning systems, law and order, easy access to jobs and higher education which frees normal people of many concerns. Not their broad mind.
Per capita expenditure on defense/military in many developed countries USA (2200 $) is 70 times to that of a developing country India (31 $). People in west should apply broad mind principles to themselves and remove all this expenditure, spend it on eradication of poverty, if their broad mind alone protects them.
Visa policy of most developed countries is very restrictive, giving more access to developed countries while closing entry to educated highly skilled workforce from India and China. Tuition fee in most British universities in 35000 USD per year for non EU candidates. While it is one third for locals.
Where is broad mind in all this?
It has become standard in the west, people talking in certain way, nice things, are automatically considered broad mind. It is like when poor people argue, whole colony gets to know, because poor don't have walls. Same way wealthy people argue but nobody knows. Wall shields them. Wall becomes symbol of class, people confuse that broad wall protecting them with their broad mind. A high per capita income (30 times in top twenty countries, compared to India) and closed borders are like that wall.
This standardization of broad mind is often to serve the interests of people who fall under that class. It is not for everyone on a fair basis. Why should others follow their metric and definition and standards? Why should others care about their (so called broad minds) opinion? Who are these so-called broad minds to decide right, wrong, good or bad for others? It is by effort of working arms and money in pocket that one outside that class lives. Those standards serve only people within that class. It is the mindset of a slave, to follow labels given by master.
This broad mind thing also works like religion. That thing in the center is missing, there is no proof. But many rituals come up. Those rituals become synonymous with religion itself. Same way is broad mind thing, there might be nothing, a big zero in the name of mind, but people may follow or do many social rituals, those rituals become synonymous with broad mind, which get them place in the class of broad minded. Religion doesn't bring superstition. Religion is caused by human superstition, human ability for superstition. And that human ability for superstition doesn't appear only in religion, but also in other walks of life e.g. politics, social life, economic decisions etc.
People speak nice not because they are very broad minded. They don't have a mind. They don't know what they are talking about. They don't study subjects on which they make big conclusions. By definition being broad minded should mean having considered multitude of views, ability to see the problems from all angles. People take path of least trouble, least energy expenditure. People take path of standardization. Society has standardized, one who speaks nice is broad minded. So every foolish person on this earth who speaks without thinking or knowing much is considered broad minded. Not having a question in mind, being completely unaware also brings happiness. By not having questions, a person is having energy surplus, not strained. They are compared with a person who is at peace and happy, because he has figured out everything. It is the happiness of submission. I think turbulence is a better state of mind compared to that, if it is leading somewhere.
This is what I wrote to an American citizen after he was completely wrong on too many facts. But he thought otherwise.
"A part of the American media writes fiction. And there is a sense of entitlement among many of them. Their definition of truth is what they publish or want to be true. Not what is objectively true. They think they can not be questioned. They are like another God. Their judgement is final. They can not be examined on the basis of facts, can not be questioned, they feel entitled to be taken as true even when they are not mostly.
Definition of facts or truth can not be that whatever pops up in the minds of wealthy Americans or their editorial boards is true. And responsibility of proving facts rests first on (A) those who/what act like sources of facts, and those who take that whatever comes from (A) is fact.
It can't be that whatever starts in America is good of everyone in the world, and they are our God. And we have to blindly accept that. It was not true in the past, it is not true today. Americans are not some special species bereft of any human mistakes. And all Americans are different, so it will never make sense if some homo-sapiens of US wants to be taken as truthful, and source of facts, just because they are Americans.
That is my opinion on fiction writers and propaganda masters in USA. Truth in itself is simple. But it is difficult to convince oneself about some truth and convince others about some other truth. Problem is not that facts are worthless, but problem is with mind which doesn't want to believe in it.
Individuals in the west think they know what is true, and good. So they can civilize, guide unfortunate misguided people in other worlds to prosperity, justice, truth and peace. They can be kind to other unfortunates. All this confidence doesn't come from some experience of the situations, or learning from their results of past interventions. They do not have much past record of responsibility in the event of their convictions turning wrong. The Basis of all this is often the feelings of the individuals."
People feel dazzled in front of west, so they accept anything, everything. I agree with Lee Kuan. He had brain and character. He could hold on, and had much more to show in the end.
If a columnist in west writes opinion, that doesn't become a fact. It only means he/she has right to write that opinion. If somebody says that what he believes is fact, it only means that he has a story in mind, according to which his beliefs are true.
US they make good movies, good fiction.
They do the same with many things, conjuring up things, real and false, as it suits them.
Another personal mail to a western friend: "I remember a YouTube video of the widow of Daniel Pearl, she was pregnant when her Husband was abducted in Pakistan. She stayed there to find his body or something.
She repeatedly says people are very hospitable. They tried to help me everywhere I went. Then such people go on to draw big conclusions. That it will all end, if we talked people to people, if we loved.
I recall you. You said that guy from the middle east, he was ashamed because he did not have arrangements to give you proper respect. They like hospitality...
Upto here it is ok. Then you will go on to draw big conclusions, which have no relation with reality.
People in Indian continent hey are hospitable to so called big people for short periods, and they equate an western/white skin/ wealthy with goodness. But that is not how people behave with each other for long periods.
More people live together, more the chances of argument, bad faith etc. People fight for every inch of land, every single penny. You might have known that in your personal life, in your house, if not about money then about other things such as time or something else.
People were together, they lived together and still live together in India. Until 1947 they lived together in areas which became Pakistan and till 1989 in Kashmir. But people don't behave the same way to another person who happens to be on the other side as they behaved to the widow of Daniel Pearl. People were nice to her, because she is privileged, she is American, she is white and she was there for a short time.
What you experienced as a person, you try to project and make big conclusions, with gross simplifications.
As if I am a fool, others are fools and you have a broad mind, only you can see it with your broad mind.
Why don't you go and with a magic wand, talk about love and good and end up this conflict of Spain, Basque Country and Catalonia conflict, after all Spain has such a small population, only 47 million. How much money you would have saved if you had been appointed as an advisor to Trump and other presidents in USA, the entire Budget of US army is 778 billion dollars. Netherlands spend 12 billion and is part of NATO. And you said that you manage to find good in everything, everyone. Why you don't manage to find good in me and my arguments. You did not realize magnitude of what you were speaking. It was a feeling you had."
Ignorant people are not innocent.
Their luxury of ignorance costs someone else.
Nobody thinks he/she s bad or doing bad, it is his her ignorance which makes bad things happen.
People stay ignorant because it is convenient. and also because they are ignorant about their own ignorance, but it is these simple ignorant masses on this earth who are reason behind all the problems.
Guilt of Past
Westerners occupied Americas and Australia NewZelands only few hundred years ago, wiped out the native populations there. Trafficked slave, killed millions of Africans, colonized 80% of the rest of world, fought crusade for several hundreds of years, converted people in distant countries to Christianity, burned people on stake, practiced blatant racism. They don't have much humane to look for in their history. So many people in the west apply their theories anywhere without understanding anything about that place.
In job market, they will come up with many ifs and buts and always give preference to a local, hire a non-EU only when they cant find locals. But they expect others to follow their views, in ditto, no if and but.
There is a lot we can learn from west. But blindly copying is not sign of wisdom. It is sign of inability of own thinking. We need to restart our own evolution in thinking.
Western countries, many of them are inorganic entity. Countries like USA, Canada, New Zealand, Australia have formed on land of others, they have no history, no force of unity. People in Europe have been that lack of warmth, and more greed, they can not get together. They are dealing with language, memories of medieval Christian history, wars, they can't find common ground. So they call for ideas of nation based on weak ideas such as business, materialism, which doesn't appeal to human mind for long periods. We should not fall in their trap, by blindly following them and destroying our strengths. Another old civilization with continuity Japan, has not blindly borrowed western ideas. China has resisted it to a certain extent, even though they borrowed communism.
It is same in career, understand what others say, study what is happening around, be aware. But don't blindly copy others. Their strength is their strength, it may not become your strength.
Same can be said about monotheism. It has temporary advantages, but in long term it wont stand, it will create enemies only. Like Christianity lead to anger against Church in European intellectuals. Islam is not taken positively by most non-Muslims and has become hindrance for cooperation coexistence.
Same can be said about Indian family system. It is strong pillar.
Upper middle class Indians blindly copying west, don't have brain for creating something original.
Most of western people are manipulated, and they exude confidence, that they are not and we should listen to them. They are more manipulated than Indians.
As she said "we can be very manipulative and very dishonest when everyone of facts is correct.
It will take 100 years before areas like Pakistan, Afghanistan are stabilized and have democracy and some kind of liberty. Imagine if India was not partitioned, there would be 60 crore Muslims in 2025. They would destabilize India as a whole, like they have destabilized Pakistan and Afghanistan; like they did before 1947. India would have been another war zone like Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Afghanistan. Western countries have never faced that. They cleverly take limited number of refugees, and overall population of Muslims is less than 10% everywhere in west. So they like to preach others themselves sitting thousands of miles away safe, they are hypocrite.
They like to dictate everyone, everywhere; without putting effort to know details. But where is it that they succeeded? Could they create democracy in Afghanistan or Iraq or Syria? They left these countries in worse state, but that doesn't stop them from their belief in supremacy of what they think. They invaded Afghanistan, stayed there 20 years, they had all the freedom to implement their ideas, spent 2 trillion dollars, used best weapons, intelligence, 200000 death. But nothing happened. But that doesn't stop their mouth. Where is ideological accountability? Zero accountability, they just like to mess other countries as they wish. Before that they funded and armed Mujahedeen, supported them with all kind of intelligence. Who suffers? Poor Afghans, not them. They pushed 50 million people back 100 years just in one country.
There are things written on a piece of paper, which feels to be right, working. And then there is man, who is subject to not only the cold reality on piece of paper, but also to dark world of emotions, feelings, brain mechanisms/workings, about which he has very little knowledge, about which very little has been written, and even less has been read, so an ordinary person knows extremely less. To control or intervene is even more difficult, but knowing is the first step.
Materialists reduce the whole world to things on piece of paper, to material objects. They define yes and no, rules, (and they like to dictate the rules of debate based on their limited knowledge) when reality is gray. You cant create a better quality copy image from a poor quality. And to improve quality, you need to improve first image, your vision, and to do that you also need to look within.
Appetite of the rich, is very important for them, so they might like to dine in some famous restaurant in New York, Hotel Taj, Japanese restaurant etc. But is that experience of taste special and only limited to them? Maybe hyenas enjoy more while sucking the bone marrow of a week old rotting carcasses. Maybe vultures enjoy it more.
How do we know? Millions of animal species, which of them have more ability to enjoy the taste.
Same with regards to physical experiences between opposite genders, maybe pigs have more of that feeling.
But we upper middle class and rich humans behave as if those experiences exist only in us, special and rational; can not occur in animals, not shared by animals; Or as if when animals enjoy the same feeling it is animalistic feeling; but when we enjoy these feelings become rational, important. It is like a cloth is not just a cloth; that a cloth is inferior if worn by ordinary man, but same cloth becomes superior when worn by someone special.
It is same problem with western people, they feel their biases are not bias, it is rationality. They are perfectly rational, so their feelings and emotions are also perfectly rational. They can't be misguided.
I am a wannabe scientist and am applied engineer. So what is my business in meddling with popular habits and so called popular philosophy.
My contention is that popular habits and philosophy often represent not philosophy but incoherent mess, full of contradictions. So people can't claim it to be philosophy. When people speak and follow in their habits something with some sense, I will not question.
But mostly as people practice in daily life and as they understand it leads to nowhere, it is blind peoples game of hide and seek. It has no right to defend itself under citadels of philosophy, value etc. It is gross ignorance and stupidity. And I don't need to be a great philosopher to see that and to object to that.
So even to do philosophy and pursue some values one needs some rationality, thinking and observation; to know what is happening and where it is leading. Else one will be dabbling in gutter and thinking that he is being purified by Ganga s water.
In a similar way, I object to it when western people hide in their citadel. There are good and smart people, but 95 percent people in west are ignorant as well.
I have criticized western common human for lack of rigor. Lack of rationality even though they attempt and they think they are rational.
Western people would like to take pride in themselves for rigor, rationality and factfulness. My critical observation is about these only, that most of them fall short on it.
So they can't claim that and ask immunity from questions. I ask to not follow west blindly. To question them.
If you have to pursue rigor, rationality, facts; pursue with all your force but dont copy the west blindly and call it rationality.
When western people talk intuitively, and don't call it intuition but rationality, when it is cheap imitation of rationality. I can see that. As if their intuition is not intuition but fact.
Happen due to conditioning. Dogs start salivating on the cue which is linked in their mind with food. Someone is Nobel laureate, others minds start taking him as a source of truth.
Nobel laureate has gravity has to be taken seriously but he had come up with proof on only one topic. Which means he doesn't have proof for all areas.
Nobel laureates think their mom is wise, they are conditioned to feel that way since childhood.
Slavery work that way. You are conditioned to take some class as a master generation after generation.
Bully uses that conditioning to their advantage.
Sense of pride, honor for ancestors that is also conditioning. We are not born with it.
That is how we learn emotionally, that is how we remember.
A tiger mauls someone, then we remember that face of the tiger forever and never meddle with it.
Pseudo Induction
Wealthy first world wokes and their counterparts in the third world follow something like mathematical induction.
Since they have wealth, better passport, car, house, healthcare, and have got some degree in some area, making them better than 99% humans in education. They believe that is due to their superior ideas, thinking.
They extend it to believe that they must be right in everything, they are no longer mortal homo erectus.
They don't need any verification.
They take it as proof of their intuition, and they apply it everywhere.
And when faced with opposition, they dig deep.
"How dare something I believe be untrue?"
No it can't be, a poor fagot like me must be wrong.
It would rather be true, even if it is not. How dare....
Their thinking is no different from a savage.
A savage is in continuous struggle in his environment, and if he doubts himself, he will get cornered and killed.
Doubt brings returns in a very long term.
In the short term, a person is surrounded by others who are equally confident.
And if he doubts and tries to be rational, it will not be rewarded.
Everyone else will claim to have made their wrong points,
and they will feel justified, and will maul him.
So they remain savage in nice clothes, nice words.
But they remain savage.
They remain like a mob, harnessing benefits of convenient narrative, no sense of objectivity except in words.
Unless a person has mastered his own mind, he will succumb to being savage.
Knowledge has to reach a level where it allows the person to stand against savages around with sheer logic, and so that he doesn't need that savage reaction in himself.
It has to enable the person to see through the illusion of emotional reactions and animal instincts and to overcome them through practice.
When Russia attacks Ukraine: ban ordinary Russians from football tournaments & singing contests; but when Pakistan attacks India, kills our jawans, launches terror attack on our Parliament - hey c'mon be sensible, allow ordinary Pakistanis to play cricket and act in Indian films. India has been a victim of China’s aggression & Pakistan’s terrorism but NATO never expressed any sympathy. In fact, the US foreign policy encouraged both the Islamist & Communist states.
This is hypocrisy what I see on Linkedin. Every western person is fomenting hate for Russia.
All the western people crying for Ukraine, offering them preferential treatment in recruitment, for PhD.
Nobody was taking poor Iraqis when US and NATO had attacked Iraq on false charges.
They just take few when they have shortage for people to clean gutters, toilets and in the health care system to serve as nurses.
I have seen firsthand that western people give first preference to a western citizen in any job recruitment. And second preference too.
Only when they can't find a qualified white man they give chance to Indians or Chinese.
If such things happen to us, we will be expected not to post such content on Linkedin.
We will even be considered nationalist jingoistic, fascist, Nazi.
Our parliament was attacked in 2002, Mumbai was attacked many times with multiple times.
And each time nice west people said, oh maintain peace, do talks. All the weapons used against us in Kashmir and money, somehow came from west. USA was terrorist sponsor.
Now the nice people don't follow that advice in case of Ukraine.
When US was attacked in 2001, 11/9, they sent army to Afghanistan and stayed there 20 years.
Why this difference? Because nice people have a higher value for their own life, liberty and very little for others.
When western people do it it is solidarity, humanity.
When we do it, it is politics, small people, savages arguing over petty things.
When I was in ship in 2011, two days after we sailed from Tokyo, Fukushima nuclear disaster happened.
And then there was a collection, every one was donating 10 dollars, 100 dollars.
I said I won't donate a penny.
If I donated ten dollars, that wont even get a breakfast for a Japanese, who already had trillions of dollars, per capita income 30-40 times back then.
If I donate 10 dollars to Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram, or a poor in a village in Bihar, he will eat one month with that money.
This idea of equality which wokes like to talk and boost is nonsense.
If we were all equal why would there be separate tuition fee for students from Asia and Africa, different from European and American students?
Why do we have borders? Why do they post in job vacancies, only for European nationals.
Nobody is equal. Why do we have doors and walls in houses?
Before revolution in Iran, shah of Iran was puppet of USA. Just like Saudi Royal family is.
One of my seniors was telling that in 1970s he went to Iran for talks with Petroleum minister.
He was operating ships and wanted business from Iran government for their crude oil transport.
He was told that before meeting minister he has to meet US ambassador.
And US ambassador denied him permission to ship Iranian oil. Ministry could not do anything.
What kind of open business is this? To coerce countries which don't follow US dictat.
This tweet below sums up my understanding as well. That so called humanity which west or Arab world or any other power block uses does not include all humans. Specially western humanity only includes human beings of western countries: Japan, Australia, New Zeland, Europe, USA, Canada. It does not include Indians, or Arabs or Africans.
And western media, opinion makers shout their arguments, bias, loud and loud since they control media platforms; they shout in the name of humanity, then western public feels it is about humanity. But it is never about humanity.
It is about their own interest, and interests of wealthy partner countries; friends with interest. But they do propaganda and every time do it in the name of humanity.
It is just a bullshit, so that nice people can have some nice talks. And they never tell it on the face. I learned during job hunt, that they will always hire first a North European, then a Romanian, Russian, etc East European. Only when they can't find any European, they will hire Indian or Chinese.
Or if job is very critical, then of course they will hire Indian or Chinese. Lot of Indians make it to jobs in west, but it is due to their persistence, not due to any equality or anything like that. Well foreigners are not equal, but even among them there is choice. For example it will be very easy for a Dutch to get a Job in Australia or an American to get in NL. But application of an Indian will not be considered normally.
They are making so much political comments in Linkedin, can we make that when our country is in trouble? They will say it is professional networking site, don't discuss politics here.
I am just thinking, had it not been for Russian weapons, India would have been divided into hundred of pieces. All the arms and money used by Pakistan against us, came from USA. In a way west was funding and arming Pakistan for our annihilation.

Definition of terrorism also varies as per western interests. Some terrorists are called freedom fighters and considered strategic partners, as Taliban, Osama Bin Laden and Al Queda were strategic partners of the west during 1980-1990.
I am just thinking, had it not been for Russian weapons, India would have been divided into hundred of pieces, by Pakistanis who were supplied best American weapons as they were their strategic partners. All the arms and money used by Pakistan against us, came from USA. In a way west was funding and arming Pakistan for our annihilation. And China would have smashed us. As they did in 1962 war.
It is not equal game and just and fair in the world. West controls media, west has guns, Russia, China have guns.
Rest other countries are dependent on the mercy of these powers.
Whatever these gun holding power blocs decide is right.
Arab countries are another power block, due to oil power.
US and NATO powers allowed Pakistan to develop Nuclear weapons, under their sight, because Pakistan was a strategic partner, designated by the USA as a "Major non-NATO ally".
Even when there were hundreds of terrorist groups operating from Pakistan. Schools, Universities in Pakistan openly had posters everywhere asking youth to enroll for Jihad, against India, USSR and later against US itself.
They supplied weapons and money to create a monster in Afghanistan. They didn't bring their own people to fight. That is expensive. They used cheap lives of others. What do they care about afghans that they were trying to remove USSR from there? Afghans would have been happier under USSR. It is not just about money, it is a national priority. It lasted for seven decades. West funding Pakistan, giving them weapons, letting them acquire Nuke, for the same nukes they have sanctioned Iran forever.
Iran has not even acquired it. But Pakistan a very unstable country which has army controlling elected reps and army doing coup and turning governments every decade. A country which is a zoo, a terrorist factory. Because Pakistan is like a paid mafia, it is ready to get hired by any western power which pays it money. It worked for both. And they did this deal in the name of democracy/humanity.
Those nukes can very easily get in hands of terrorists. Pakistani scientists leaked nukes to North Korea and Iran. But west was not bothered by Pakistan having nukes, because Pakistan wont target Israel.
And US will be out of range of Pakistani missiles. And why would they care about others who have to deal with it. It almost created a third world war when USSR had put missiles in Cuba. US doesn't like any enemies in their own vicinity.
In 2007, there was a seminar on Maritime safety in my college and it was being addressed by an American expert. A guy questioned that why is USA supplying weapons to Pakistan if they are so much concerned about Islamic terrorism. Speaker counter questioned why does India have relations with Iran. We had only trading relations with Iran, we were not supplying them fighter jets and giving them money. Why do US trade with China? We trade with China as well, not just with Iran, even when most of the insecurity comes to us from China now.
There was famine in 1934, we got help, British govt helped us, as food could be supplied by trains through railway British had laid for connecting to ports. There was one famine during world war 2, because British govt siphoned food supplies to war zones, 20 million people died of hunger. Then famine in 1965, we received a lot of food from the USA, red wheat, as my grandmother used to tell. Our relation was that of master and beggar.
But a nation can get respect or equality unless it has money and weapons.
That is why I hate Indians who make no effort to stand up. Japan stood for a very short time, why can't we. But here people have no self respect. no shame.
Indian people are worse, shameless, characterless scums.
Because people who tolerated 1200 years of slavery mostly at hands of Muslims, must be extremely compromised and dumb.
Which I see here every day.
"Pakistan’s space programme began in 1961 with the launch of meteorological rockets provided by the United States. ....the Space & Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (Suparco) grew rapidly in the 1960s and was more advanced than the Indian programme at the time.
Pakistan’s nuclear programme was set in place with the assistance of the US and, until 1972, had been directed towards nuclear power production and basic research. Personnel in the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) were sent abroad in the 1960s for training. Canada provided Pakistan’s first nuclear reactor, the Karachi nuclear power plant (Kanupp)."
Hypocrisy of American liberals has been that they helped a terrorist state Pakistan acquire Nukes and other things, but they preach every other country to suit their interests.
This is US Government website. Pakistan was included in military alliances The Baghdad Pact (1955) and the Central Treaty Organization (CENTO)
Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO), 1954
And Pakistan is global partner of NATO
How can West question us on our trade with Russia?
We have never been in any military alliance with Russia.
While they have supplied all the weapons which were used against us.
I think Russia is more reliable and fair. They never expected India to break trade with west or USA.
India was part of non-aligned movement. Neither in Soviet bloc nor in Western bloc. That did not make Soviet Union impose any embargo on us. But western bloc has put many embargo on us throughout history.
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