Monday, October 7, 2024

Overcoming Superstition (Hinduism)

Virtue exists in mind, perceiving is seeing, through discipline, study and understanding. Things outside, Gods in temple are medium. God's dont build temple, we do for ourselves. The temples and gods serve as mediums or symbols, but the essence lies within. The act of worshiping gods or following rituals is for the worshipper’s own clarity.

Mukti is not something outside, but rather an inherent truth that needs to be realized through disciplined awareness and deep insight.

Mukti is in perception, you can not try and worship to become free. You have to know that you are free and all bondages are illusionary. And then you need to make your body realize and follow that. You are not the one who has to become another, apples will not turn into oranges, you are mukt and you just need to realize that. You also realize that by claiming yourself from the web of maya. Due to maya we see things right and wrong, one and another when they are all the same.

Egg and hen story, egg comes from hen and hen comes from egg, both are true, depending on causes and condition.  It illustrates the interconnectedness and cyclical nature of cause and effect, where both sides of a duality are true depending on how you view them. When a person has understood that, he/she will not look for magic. Else you will keep circling round and round trying to find. In this state of realized wisdom, the search for miracles or magic becomes unnecessary because the person understands that there is no need to escape from the truth—they already embody it. Once you realize that, you will cease to be afraid, all the need for security or certainty or rituals will cease.

We do many things to escape the fear, stuck in snake and ladder thing, putting all the effort for nothing. All the things which makes us feel unsecure, and makes us want to escape, it all starts in heart. Solidity, fluidity, heat and space all are empty. sensations of seeing, hearing, smelling and feeling all are non-existent. So our fears, feelings, all that have no basis and they affect nothing. What we say our heart that also doesn't exist.

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